Wolfenstein Date ???

According to a blog posted today in the New Zealand Herald about 2009 sequels the release date for Wolfenstein is April 24.

QuoteWolfenstein (PC, PS3, 360, April 24): The legendary supernatural thriller from id software using its tech 4 engine and promising great graphics. You play agent BJ Blazkowicz battling combat troops, otherworldly forces, and the dark science created by a supernatural Nazi force wanting world domination.


but in an article also posted today on gamezine concerning most anticipated games of 2009 the date is posted "To Be Confirmed"

April is too soon.
The legendary supernatural thriller from id software using its tech 4 engine and promising great graphics

sounds that they forgot gameplay but concentrated to graph :(
hope u arent right
Actually not.
Really? Link/Evidence?
Agreed, even graphics looked like shit :)
Even though the graphics aren't good!
on play its got down

Pre-order. | Due for release on 26/06/2009
Play had QW release date 4 months early initially.
Personally I'd pay no attention to anything until there is an official press statement.

If I were to guess I'd say Qtr 4 this year.
Ya I don't put alot of weight into these random dates but news is scarce so thought I'd share.
i guess but its ususally a averagely close, i guess it also depends if the publishers decide to do any last minute changes or what-have-you
I so wanna date with Wolfenstein, she's lovely :)
inb4 shit game.
1st of april would be better for this game
guess it will coem around x-mas so it can be a best seller
Quotedark science created by a supernatural Nazi force wanting world domination.

it's new, isn't it?
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,
otherworldly forces,

those were also in rtcw, you idiot
single player genius
nerd ass cock dick fag retard cunt kanker jew idiot stupid fungus-eater
je suis d'accord
combien de français savez-vous ?
ecole de langues, pronunciation is worse than my english one tho :D
QuoteStill, we get to fire weird otherworldly weapons into Nazis, with the added bonus of FEAR-style slow-motion controls.

that's too soon, they are first gonna do a commercial campaign etc.. :)
They probably are but it hardly is a long task if you have the money, and considering gaming is not for all it's most likely target will be the internet, which isn't that time consuming (maybe 1 month of planning?)
Knowing activision they will wait till day before it's released make one trailer then go back to milking guitar hero and COD.
sincerely doubt that look at ET:QW.
if this was true there would be a demo right now
Guild Wars 2: Now in "alpha production" it will include four new playable races.
e: wtf? they are stupid, its not an expansion, its a whole new game lol
24th of April feels a bit too optimistic date for release. On this years QuakeCon they will release the Free version from Quake III called QuakeLive. So perhaps in the next years, it might that that game what some peoples have anxiously awaited quite some time. I would eat my shoes if this date is actually correct.

Blogs are excellent way to speculate and get peoples attention just by spreading these kind of rumors.

Duke Nukem (Taking) Forever is just so old and blown out thread, so nobody ain't really that interested about it anymore.
na actually its pretty close :P
They have been developing Wolfenstein since 2004 (?). It's really been a closed project so I'm guessing they actually have most of the game completed by now. Realistic date.
Actually we have heard rumors about RtCW2 since around 2005... And just before end of 2008 we got this 56s long teaser video showing nice looking graphics and flashy blue lights. We even haven't seen some real ingame footage videoclip from game yeat. I'll wait for the time when the closed beta testing starts for the game.
If there ever will be.
Yea the point I was trying to make is it's one of those games that are trying to build up alot of hype by not releasing real footage till a few weeks before the game is released, like GTA.
Wolfenstein is copyrighted for 2009 (and official site) so its certainly this year (except if they have delays again). That date of 26/6 or 24/4 is just some date the site give so u would already order the game. They would give it then when it comes out but they can always say it has been delayed etc... My guess is that its gonna be june or october/november, probably the latter.
My birthday. Must be a sign :D


Quote£29.99 Free Delivery
RRP: £34.99 | You save: £5.00 (14%)

Yea like they know the RRP already :D
since when is a PC game not £35 new?
i wont believed till there wont be official statement
Wont be what people are expecting it to be, will sell fine tough..
I hope for ID Software that this game got a nice Multiplayer :s
I think the single player campaign is developed by Raven Software. And the multiplayer part by GreyMatter(Like they did for the RtCW)
The SP is indeed being made by Raven Software, but the MP is being made by EndRant (a studio formed by some former SplashDamage employees), possibly in assistance of Threewave Software (who have stated to have made some of the MP maps).

And for RTCW, the SP was made by GrayMatter and the MP by Nerve Software. GrayMatter is actually not arround anymore, they merged with Treyarch (the company behind Call of Duty: World at War).
Raven announced they were working on a new game this week... http://news.teamxbox.com/xbox/18565/Singularity-Raven-Softwares-New-Shooter-Revealed/

Not sure what that means for wolfenstein...
Means nothing
They have been working on singularity for quite some time already, first read about it last year at the E3 afaik. They are also working on another X-men game. Its common for a company the size of Raven to work on multiple projects at once.
I think there is better change to get syphilis then this game right after that date.
Oh, come on, how can you all wait for Wolfenstein so much if it's built on THE SAME engine on which is based also THE EVIL ETQW, and on the same engine which will never provide THE SAME experience as on ID Tech 3 engine did RTCW & ET? :D
BJ Blazkowicz xDD
Oh please be good :<
April 24th? wtf its my birthday
rctw2 = quakewars, thanks

pre-ordered !!! Cant wait

another link for 24 april release: http://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/PC-Games/Wolfenstein/1565521/
i saw on another site the date 26/3. Those sites just give a random date to get attention and so u would order that game already. They will give it then when its released.
Fizmo the hydro dam shrub noob? :D
ja:) wie zijt gij?:D
mouly jr.
speelde vaak op die server met jou
ahja lol:) zit nu op allstars server als ek speel
and what happens if wolfenstein 2 sucks??? i hope no
and its gonna support physx :o
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