New windows OS

is there any betatesters of the Windows 7? If there is i would like to know hows it like?

Quote by Microsoft.comWindows 7
Over the past few years, you've asked us to make some changes to Windows. We listened closely. Now it's time to share an early look at how we've used your feedback. Windows 7 is faster, more reliable, and makes it easier to do what you want. Both the everyday things and the killer "is that really possible?" things. Dig into this site to see what's coming.

Some of the major pc magazines has already tested it against vista & xp, it has won every test. As the quote says its much faster than vista & xp, and it takes less memory than vista.

no hurrys, beta testing will be closed at august '09, and after that it takes probably ~6 months before the final version will be released.

image: microstcew09-3

image: microstcew09-2

i dont believe its faster than xp though....

vista is bullshit³...ive dl win7, but i wont install it yet because the drivers would occure problems tbh
maybe on another part of your HD?
It looks kinda nice though
idd and the positive response made me download it! ^^
my gf asked if i could reinstall her pc. ill most likely will test it on her laptop ;-)
Haha nice, I'm still loyal to winXP :>
I haven't run any benchmarks, but on UI level it runs pretty fast.

I use nLited XP SP3 and for example browser (opera9/10/IE8(7)) opens much faster in W7 than on my XP install.

Only game I have tried so far is Mirrors Edge which didn't work till I put XP compatibility mode, works fine with no FPS drops or other problems (but again can't compare to XP as didn't install it there).

RAM usage is ~ with my XP.

I have 27 processes running on XP, and 33 on W7 after boot including antivirus (AVG on W7, NOD32 on XP).

As for drivers, it didn't recognise my LAN card so I had to get drivers for it on XP and drop it to W7 partition.
Video driver/Monitor driver installed by Windows Update, Intel driver worked straight after install.
Haven't istalled sound drivers (as latest Vista version simply didn't work), but default W7 ones allow to run mp3/movies/ventrilo/games anyway.

I am pretty sure, unless MS fucks up and pulls a quakewars on us, I will buy 2 more GB of ram and get W7 64bit final.
In most of the cases newer is always beter ha, why else would they produce new products? :)
vista was and still is a piece of crap tbfh.
QuoteIn most of the cases newer is always beter ha, why else would they produce new products?
why 2 more gigs of ram? since its at least as fast as xp... but yea ill prolly get w7 final too...if thats the fast and stable alternative to vista ull finally have to upgrade better earlier! thx for your comment
so you recommend it...hmm
w7 will be the best windows available
If W7 will be as crap as Windows Vista, what will happen?
only beta is better than vista, nothing else to add
So you expect the final version to be twice as good?
no, final will only have more support for programs and bugs fixed, and more options, and thats it
that's the only difference ?
My XP ram usage is ~60 on boot, W7 more like ~500 or something (at college can't check for sure)

I want to disable that fucking "auto-cache" shit that everyone seems to claim it is. 2GB of ram should be fine for me!
If it IS cache, what's the problem then? What are you going to use 400 empty megabytes of ram for? If it's just sitting around being empty, you can just as well fill it up with cache, and free it up when you need more memory for applications. Linux does that.
No it doesn't...

I don't have random applications floating about in my ram when I boot Linux
Not when you boot it, but stuff that enters ram at some point doesn't go out again until it really has to.
and hidden on any usage reports/top?

Sometimes when working on things I'll be at ~1.8gb ram but after closing shit, htop reports back down to ~300mb
Hidden on top yes.. Check it with free -m
ask meez
Windows 2000 for the win.
i will install win7 after the first service pack :>
im not fully agreeing you.

cuz i have had vista since november 2008, and i haven't had any kind of problems with it, after the ET installation. It has worked perfectly for my needs, it's a lot better to use than xp and so far.

Ofc i agree your point on that w7 is pwnage, cuz it's the same product as VISTA, but just works faster.

Only negative point which i have to say about vista, it's freeking slow. for example starting , and shutting down.

But anyways, i like vista, and with my ram's and stuff, it works fine, so im not going to get w7 atleast yet.

we will see in next weekend, i will come to drink coffee.. :)
Using it on my main PC since 7000. (dualboot with arch)

Better than vista. Might permanantly switch my XP partition to it. I'll probably use blackbox or litestep as a UI anyway. Superbar is pretty dire, and it's window switching shit for Explorer seems horrid.
i have it... its very fast, well organized and beautiful
u didnt have probs to find decent drivers for chipset/graca/etc?
no its compatible with anything, quit the vista sucks, w7 sucks :p
et aint playable on it tho, is it?
i guess it is, cause i saw the noob (v1ech) on pub yesterday :))
its not ^^ pb doesn't support W7 yet afaik
well, then we have a bust over here! :D
booting atleast faster then Vista :D hv it on my notebook as dual boot, just to check it out and it looks fine so far :>
you guys are so cool for testing leaked beta versions zomggg
They released the beta officially for all 2 weeks ago.
haha tell that to all the people using Vista
It is faster than XP but I won't be upgrading. There will be a huge compatibility issue with loads of programs and games, including ET. Microsoft already stated that they stripped all the backwards compatibility features that Vista had, which is why Windows 7 is so fast. So in other words, Windows 7 is designed to run programs made for Windows Vista, and not anything below that. Basically, worse compatibility than Vista but faster than Vista and XP (not that I care my PC will load 5 seconds faster anyway)
W7 already is compatible with almost any programs
it's not compatible with ET because its only beta and doesn't support PB YET
BTW you arent talking truth
nice wasnt even aware of windows 7.. yay i can bypass vista!
faster than xp..
humm. i cannot belive but if it will be faster than xp,taking less memory than viste and lokks kinda nice,and if it gives a nice controlling i will get it :)
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