help meeeeeee!

i stopped playing et about 5 months ago but about 5 minutes ago i was on quadv and watched some demos off cc5
so this motivated me to start playing et again :)
the only prob is that et lags on vista for me...
i had this problem a long time ago and i dunno the solution anymore :(
plsssssssss help me
1. Are you running ET in administrator mode?
2. Check all drivers and firmware is up to date
3. Check CPU level and kill programs they maybe running in the background that are not being used.
4. Virus check just to be safe.
5. Did you install vista or upgrade it from XP? if you upgraded I would recommend a full format / re-install.
& put et on 1 core
Yes that to as the kernel will switch cores depending on the current usage, also setting ET's priority to high would be a good idea.
use the amazing search feature this site offers and search tutorials for ET + vista.
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