The Stig is revealed!

he's the current stig.

apparently the old stig was your man from the programme on channel 5
Perry McCarthy was the old stig, is that who you mean?
who cares?raise your hands.i don't
meh, couldnt they just leave it be?

ben collins aka stig made few episodes without helmet etc
so pretty hard to notice that hes the stig?
FUCKERS(plz allow me to swear this one time)
btw why did they reveal him? o.0
I think he still denies it but fans made various clips about Stig and Collins having same voice/accent.

"One clip posted on YouTube shows the Stig talking with a Bristol accent to a television crew, before cutting to a clip showing Collins speaking in similar tones. "
there are new stigs every series afaik but im probably wrong :O)
there is more than one.. but it's mostly Collins
QuoteShame on the paper that revealed his identity
Always thought it's mystic.
wasn't it more entertaining when the identity was secret? :/ they just have to ruin everything..
i thought everyone already knew this.. it came out after Hammond's jet car accident
That wasnt an accident, something fishy going on!
was known for quite some time... :O
Some say he has a digital face, and that if he felt like it, he could fire Alan Sugar...
ruined my sundays now
fuck you
I'm The Stig *awaits Spartacus esque responses*
This is old news he's the latest stig but there have been many thoughout the years. To name a few there is currently Ben Collins and previously Perry McCarthy Russ Swift
it was better when it wasn't public...but i guess a lot of people knew this already
If it were some famous driver , that would have been awesome

now it's just lame
All we know, is that we always lied about not knowing who he is!
This guy would own as the Stig:
image: DSC_0129
Prefered not knowing! :(
i knew that the stig was ben collins for ages lol so did alot of people its already been revealed with a picture of half his face and voice recognition of ben collins ages ago.
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