Vista & External HDD?


I'm using vista on my PC and I seem to have a rather big problem with it. When i tried plugging in my external hdd trough USB he finds it, but now I can't find the map where its located in.. can anyone help me on this?
"the map" wat
When you plug in an usb it shows up @ My computer as external HDD or something.. It doesn't show up here..
tried other usb ports?
Drivers are installed, but vista finds it but I can't find where the map of the hdd is ..
well one idea but my vocabulary in technical things is restricted..
press start and right click on "my computer" or whatever you see there. in the main window you should have "basicinformations" and on the left "tasks". in this tasks line go to hardware-manager, devices-manager, or something similiar you see there. you should get a window with all your hardware shown.. search for your external hdd(plug it in before!) and uninstall all drivers. plug it in again, drivers should be installed again. maybe it works
i have 2 external HDD's on my vista pc .. 1 firewire and 1 esate .. totally no problems with it .
Also with usb stick Np at all.

Check your mobo drivers
I'll check that
didnt have any problem, use google for (more) solutions if you ask me. :)
In what folder did you find the HDD? ( My computer? Aint there for me :( )
Yes its been there..but try to use the search function and look for your HDD.
But, how do you notice that Vista finds the external HDD? I mean, if some window is showing up, mostly there is an option to open the map immediatly?
the hdd should always be in my computer! like usb-sticks etc.

It's not just a folder, it's a whole drive!
Usually you have to format the drive before you use it, did you do that?
Right click on Computer and click Manage, expand Storage and click Disk Management. You should be able to format the drive and windows will asign a letter to it, then it will be visible in My Computer next to the other partitions.
It should be in My Computer, try to reboot or to install the HD
disable uac or wtf was that and reboot and connect HDD again >_<
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