Do you belive in god?

I just have a simple question to all CF users:

For myself i can belive in god, but not in the church or jesus christus...
(Just my own opinion)

So, have nice day...

image: Obama1~Barack-Obama-Yes-We-Can-Posters
That's already the 3rd one since last week, wtf is going on with you guys. Did u all had some spiritual moment or something??
i left the church when i was 15.
Must have missed the other journals
Nope. But I have no problems if someone believes in something higher, unless he/she starts to force me on it. Or if he/she claims that his/hers belief is the only one.

Little bit related story:

When I was in grade school, our teacher said that "When I was in my heart surgery dead for few minutes, there was no light or nothing, so there is no God"

And from that moment we had drawing-classes instead of religion :)
ur teacher must have no knowledge about the bible.
Well, I know that there is nothing about light etc in the bible, I guess he knows that too but he just felt that religion isn´t that useful and used that as a harsh example to us, we were about 10-year-old back then.
if he mean religion is not useful, then he didnt understand it himself wat it is all about. other people who really believe do wonderfull experiences in their life.
Well, that´s a matter of belief. Some people seem to get kicks from it, I have nothing against that and I don´t want to start a debate about it.
yes, i only wanted to say, that the teacher dont have to teach religion if he doesnt believe in it. Otherwise u had to get another teacher.
Well, basically he should have tought religion to us by the law, but it just went like that. Besides, I rather make art than listen to some one sided propaganda.
What's that?
I believe in me yes.
need proofs
yes i do. you're asking this thanks to him =)
Nope. I go by the cool religion of satanism together with my good ole friend GW!

image: bush_satan_sign
What do you care?
i dont know... im just interested...
So if u dont want to tell...
well imo it's just a stupid trick to get money from people by just saying "god is everything he can do everything, he will make everything better, now give us a donation so god can have a nice warm house and for some more wine so we can give you more wine so you can give even mroe money"
good thing hentai is studying for exams
Ignostic. And my possible view of what a god could be is irrelevant.
is that a new combination of ignorant and agnostic?
In some ways it's a pretty good way of describing it. However the ignorant-part isn't 100% correct. You choose to remain ignorant of the current explinations of what a god would be.
god is for the weak.
Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness!
Absolutely not
is god a man or a woman?
god is dead if he would have existed
not answering your question y0
god lifes for ever in our hearts, what a bullshit

god was a fuckin shemale , busted!!!!
People need to grow up :)

Santa does not exist either ;)
damn and I thought santa actually did exist ;<
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
i believe in reason and facts.
avi or it didnt happen, simple as that!
well i think it could be possible that we are created by an advanced civilisation who is so advanced that it know how to create life, and when we become this advanced perhaps we will create life too =D but i dont believe in the religions, they r just an ancient version of what we today would call science fiction :), but those books are pretty cool anyway
No, I'm not delusional.
If you talk to God, you're religious.

If God talks to you, you're psychotic.
i dont believe in god nor the theory of the big bang...
i want to see the facts first...
i DO believe, that the bible stories are a complete load of bullcrap and that everyone who thinks that these things realy happend and that a god created the universe, is a complete retard.
i DO believe, that religion is the main reason for all (read: most) of the terrible events that has happened in the history of this planet (involving the human race and its decisions)
religion is not the main reason, people are the main reason and use religion as an excuse
There are quite a load of facts which indicate the big bang theory, this is physics and not belief.
People often don't realize that science and religion/believing in a higher power are opposites, while they actually are aiming for the same goal. Both try to explain and/or justify things that can't be proven entirely and are just a theory.
Maybe it's a combination of both: the mechanical side of science combined with spiritual powers.
well for me, the big bang theory doesnt make more sense than the existing of some higher power
It´s not about sense here, but measurable facts. Our whole existence makes no sense if you start thinking about it.
i dont deny the big bang theory, it just tells us that matter started to exist 'somehow' out of nothing, it's not even an antagonism to religion, maybe the big bang was just made by a god/higher power/whatever you wanna call it, maybe nature itself is this higher power. but it develops into much philosophical stuff now :p

well, i rarely think about how our existence is even possible, because my head starts to hurt soon after :D
Neulich snip0z beim Glücksrad: Ich kaufe ein "L" für meinen Nachnamen
the big bang theory sais that the universe existed out of nothing...
i believe the facts that the the universe is expanding and that it must mean that the universe evolved from something very small, but i cant believe that there was once nothing... and then suddenly there was a big KABOOM and then there was the beginning of the universe... this is (like snip0z said) just as fiction as the theory of god.
You mix something up here. Of course it can´t state what was before or into what the universe expands, but this is not what this theory intends to explain. It even doesn´t say that there was nothing before. It´s only about the formation of the universe itself and even that is way enough for our human understanding, but it´s a beginning.
We had to be outside the universe to observe those things, this is just not possible nowadays.
gtfo allready
no, and also i'm free of any kind of superstition
i believe in tony the tiger
i'm god, i use to pray all the time til i realised i was talking to myself
only believe in Satan
Yes I see evidence of TosspoT almost everyday
of course not
its not about god or something

if you believe and something you will do everything possible to do that and thats what religion is about imo

just some turks and some jews missunderstand some parts

well and some christs are homos too

i like the buddhaaaas they r chillin all zeh time ^_^
It´s just a human narrow minded creation and an attempt to explain things which were beyond humanity´s horizon in former times imho. Though it´s impossible to prove or disprove, but that is every illusionary statement.
God sucks.
How do you know?
if he is all powerfull and stuff why do we live in this bullshit world? OH WAIT HE LOVES US :d he cant do better than this?
So you actually believe in god.
You shouldnt define the term god as something that can/will/want to help humans. In my definition of a god I wouldnt get an more specific than that it is a creator of the universe or something smaller narrow or something bigger. It could be intential or by an accident. It could still exist, or not.
bible gives to this question an answer.
Quo magis res singulares intelligimus, eo magis Deum intelligimus.
I don't believe in god yet I do believe in pink monkeys.
If you dont think god exists you can go die in hell fucking fag
I only trust godji !
I don't believe in a higher power but I still hope there is something after you die.
nope i believe in myself hard enough
i do, somehow, tho i rarely go to church except on christmas and family events
I believe in God, moreover a 'creator. Even the big bang had to originate from something...' but at the same time I think church misrepresents the point of religion, i.e. you shouldn't have to pay $4 to light a candle for a prayer.
maybe u mean catholic or orthodox church? they handle in many points not like in bible sayd.
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