chile vs slo

What do you think?
I ve watched the game and i think under fair conditions, slo wouldnt have had a chance... chile got awesome players.

Sad to see such actions to get an advantage for your own...

Not at all deserved win from slovenia, fucking unkind behavior on the server...

I have to tell my respect to chile... i guess every other team would just have not given a fuck on the game under this conditions. They proofed them to be great sportsmen.
well played
did you ever play on US server versus them?
i didnt play vs them.
but a clanbase rule says that the pings in a match have to be approx. even.
This was not the case.

The match was already organized to be played on a us server, the pings would have been almost even (i guess sth around 150 stable for both)

Just close befor the match slovenians got cold hands..
The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament for national teams. National teams are led by captains who are appointed by ClanBase based on the support they have in their national scene. Only European teams who play in a European country, Russia or Israel may participate. Exceptions may be given by the Chiefs of Cups.

'The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament'

so much for the fucking rules!
i know that this was the rule you used..
But on the other hand i can understand that there is the chance for oversee countrys to also compete in the tournament.
It would have been a fair game. Perhaps more interesting than this one and perhaps worse for slovenia.
According to the skill chile would have already deserved a direct invite... Clanbase didnt do this because of that rule.
But as u can see they are great players that deserve to represent their country in a nationscup.
your country did well with representing your country... really.. congraz
oh noes :o

EDIT: great players that don't live in Europe...
here is a pic from them on a american server, the pings sucks hard, is unplayable imo

image: ping
i saw them on us server as well.... around 160...havnt made a screen of it :/
makes me think... :DDD
expected ... thats the way to win nowadays on that level
and? dont they have the same shitty pings or even worse ones? its same for everybody on us serv..
that is the australian server cause the other where we was playing crash and what ping u get in the other?? Oh was 150

same team in the server than we should play against them.

image: 20090117002722adlernestup9
image: w1024
But you still can't understand that ping doesn't mean shit. Just an example: nearly every polak is playing with decent and stable ping around 50 but they are still unhitable.
that is a lie cause we play the other day on USA server and they was hittable :D
Of course they were if you played on US server d00h. It looks like you still can't get it.. You would have an advantage on US server. So i hope you finally realized that they didn't want to accept any disadvantage since this is a cup for european nations. Don't understand me wrong, i agree they didn't do it in a nice and fair way but still they won without breaking any rule! Face with it, wait for the next nations cup and try to beat them there.

Oh and one more thing:

Your ping on US serv: 148
Your ping on EU serv: 238
diff: 90ms

Our ping on EU serv 60
Our ping on US serv: 150
diff: 90ms

it is not our fault that your are playing with 150ms already on a serv which you prefer
try to play with 250ms vs 60, if u show u the enemy watch u first like 1 sec and with that second u can do alot of shit,and playing both with 150 that advantege doesnt exist
it does, we played versus you couple of days ago on american server. It was unable to hit even if you were standing on the same place. You easily killed us when we were already behind the wall. And as far as i spectated few of your guys u didn't have soooo much troubles with hitting them even with 250ms (maybe it was only ettv). Black and black is not necessary always black and black.
It says even pings WITHIN EU tbh :-p
QuoteAlmost every polak is playing with decent and stable ping around 50. Now tell me please why are almost everyone whining about them and their lags?

It is the same in this case.. Same pings doesn't mean that game would be the same for both sides. If you don't believe me get few people and play vs. them on US server. We'll see how happy u'll be after that.
what happened?
they used to play on us serv where all players have pings between 120 -200, slo folded this using a rule in cb which allow that u can play on a euro serv, later an with this also lower importance the rule of try to get even pings for both teams is mentioned.

slo took the easy way, played on uk serv with normal pings vs 200-300 ping chilen an nearly even lost it..

obviously they have taken this way to be sure to survive the qualifier, cause un us serv, they would have get owned with very percentage.
slo = ego * fame
you = unknown
i never told im known, or even want to be
6 min gr & fullhold on supply = nearly lost it :! so true
do u think you would have set up those times when u would have had 150 pings? i doubt that
with JaKaZc we would have set an even better time tbh :!
he havnt played...but was one of the loudest voices before :/
ye his laptop overheated or sth thats why...

he didn't leave on purpose :x
what do u mean by overheat? i've got 70*C constantly while playing ET :DDDD
we dunno what happened we are just assuming...
urtier on 21/01/09, 01:43:31 PM | Reply

Fuck you Jaka!

nothing to add so #care about him, even no1 cares about ur unfail behaviour at all

anyway hf in upcomming NC matches.. even i dont/cant wish u gl :OP)
If Chile applies to a cup that is for European teams, they should respect that and be prepared to play on European servers I M H O

OK cpt im uber fucking good.. listen.. the rules u used by cb is kinda shitty or they named the cup wrong... dont call it nationscup when nations from north/sout america are getting slapped in face with retard rules, maybe call it euro-nationscup OR u stay at "nationscup" an create rules that non euro teams gives same chances of fairplay..

anyway i hope u fail hard on groupstages

KKTHXBB (its thx not tnx btw :X)
rules are rules, not my fault they are written this way :)

thanks :*
Oh rules can chage if the adimin allowed it, and the admin do
i have to agree with you on this part
your calling flr unkown :DDDDDD look who's talking >.<
same goes for you mister!
totally agree. :>
Fuck you Jaka!
rumors said he was the main flamer close befor the game :-P
whats this? none made a journal about team nl:D

edit: there is no point arguing about this tbfh...

why should slo suffer cause chile isn't in eu...? thoughts so, they shouldn't
yep.. .its just was obvious they got assraped by reloads uber aim an whole eesti team perfomance
the admins could have told the overseas teams that european servers HAD to be used instead of letting us believe neutral servers would be fine and we wouldn't have signed up ok?
the whine about ping has been here since ages, and you know it
kinda yes
respect v1ech <3
Fuck you Jaka!
Well to be fair its a European Nation Cup so matches should be played on european servers. Like it's said in the rules exceptions can be made by cup admins to include countries like Chile but I don't think you can obligate SLO to play on a US server. Both sides would have to agree with this and SLO clearly didn't. It's sad for chili and would have been nice to see a fair match but it wasn't ment to be but I think slo would have won anyway cause slo is a good team. (didn't saw the match tho so can't give any comment on that)

maybe next time chile ;)
playing on american server is not even option or rule, so stop whining.
whine gives me power so bring it on :D
it is if the admin allow it like this time
Chile shouldn't even be allowed to play in this cup.
yeah i just wish the admins had disallowed all non-eu teams at the start. i told our captain that it wasn't worth the ping whine!
ofc they wouldnt play on american server, cause they know that they would get dominated. Thats why american teams always have to play on EU servers for this kind of stuff. Even when 8bits played excel in the donbaker cup on an american server all they did was whine about the ping and they lost.
but its more playable 50 vs 150 than 80-100 vs 250 ping cause play with 250 its to HARD !!! to hit move and all stuff
anything over 200 is hard to play with
200kg woman for example :DDD
In the match 8bits - excel, 1 map was played on US server and 1 map on EU server. Cointossed decided that the decider map would be played on EU server...

And to repeat it again about NC: The nationcup is a european cup (notice the word european) so all matches are played on EU servers. Exception are made (thx to cupadmins who allow them) for countries like Chile and Colombia to play in this cup. Countries like Chile know when they enter NC that they will have to play with high ping and they should accept this. If both teams agree then a US server its ok but the rules say that u cant force the other team.
+ read my other comments here to know my point of view
accually the first match they played was all on an american server and all they did was bitch and whine about everything. Euros dont like to play with high pings because they have to change there game style its a bit harder to shoot with. I dont really care what you wrote above, all i have to say is that with both teams playing with 150 ping its a bit more fair then 1 playing with 250-300 and the other 50-100.
Ok, fair enough and I understand your point and I actually agree with you but the fact is that you couldn't force SLO to play on US server beause its an european cup on EU servers. In the beginning it should have been arranged on which server teams from outside EU had to play on so it would have been a fair match. Again, it's pretty sad for Chili and would be much more fun to see a fair match but Slo used the rules in their favour which might be lame.

anyway /case closed
It has always been this way, most Euros with their hypocritical ping whining. Yet, by doing the same Chile only stoops to their level.
Blame ClanBase for facilitating this mess.
what a joke

if this rule is enforced, bb Australia & Japan

the head admin of this cup agrees to neutral servers then gives into whine? hmmm... why not just tell overseas teams at the start that eu servers had to be used, then we wouldn't have bothered signing up.

bring back crossfire world cup
slovenia its the first team than whine about that :| rly all the other team than play against (Australia - Japan - Chile) never whine about it
well, we will see when it comes time for Australia and Japan to play. slovenia and the admins have set a precedent...
i hope no one whine for that GL guys :D
Why should all the European teams suffer just because a handful of non-European teams want to participate - to the detriment of everyone else?

The world's infrastructure cannot cope with a worldwide cup, yet. As such, ClanBase shouldn't be facilitating it.
did you not read my post? i said it would have been fine for the admins to tell overseas teams that european servers had to be used at the start, but they told us that it could be neutral. i couldn't give a shit if they didn't allow us to play.
That wasn't necessarily direct at you, 'twas a mispost. Anyway, I agree that ClanBase are responsible for the mess.
Very lame action by slo. I think it's nice to have a global (not local) NC. But slo are clearly destroying the ideology of that in here. And what's fair play nowadays either?

Rematch imo.
why should we play at a higher ping with teams that werent even supposed to play in this cup?

there is a global NC called world cup. this is a european cup, and teams that got in by exception should've been explained that they will have to play on eu servers unless the opponent agrees to play elsewhere.
blabla u take the izi way
so thats your only point?
you have nothing more to say? we took the easy way? fine we accept that. so?
so nothing keep going with your "FAIR PLAY"

p.s: i like your fragmovie :DDD
Poor sportsmanship from Slo tbh!
Well, it's kinda bad advertisement for ET if we "close out" the world outside Europe. I'm happy to see new faces & new countries playing ET and we should support them not treat them like all the new players get treated here (either getting flamed to or called haxers). Also there's a thing called fair play that could be applied every now and then.

I don't say your actions weren't justified (according to CB rules), but they were uncool in my eyes. U have a decent team in the NC, if u were that afraid of losing to Chile (if playing with higher pings), then u don't deserve the NC spot in my eyes.
To be fair anything can happen playing with 160 ping vs 160 ping. It has nothing to do with skill anymore (check recent high ping matches in NC ) so I can understand they chose that option.
I agree. Theres no way you can have fair match between chile and slovenia. And ofcourse it'll be favour of slovenia. chile can only blame themselves for signing up for the cup (i mean its a fucking 12nd NC by CB and its not anyone else's but their fault not knowing its a competition for europeans)
160 ping isn't much as long as the server is stable
its just beautiful to see that ET still is fucking awesome all around the world and some guys from chile totally deserved to play here.
They already had to face the qualification because they are non europes.
According to their skill they should ve already got a directinvite.

just face it that such actions are everything but mature...
be proud with your desicion and its consequences...
we played on an american server last cb season ( and won 8D ).
i think its just fair since the ping is equal but some us server are really unplayable i guess it depends on the location ( which part of the us )
vice versa with euroland - except a shitload more bad servers at their disposal
actually euro teams should play vs usa opponents on they're server, coz it would even the skill gap :-D
What angelus said. Waiting for Crossfire NC.
You have € 80 on SLO
You won € 128.8 :)
If both national teams have the PING ADVANTAGE for their proposed server(s), then the server with the smallest AVERAGE PING DIFFERENCE will be chosen.

US > UK, np

btw. about: 'The ClanBase ET SW NC XII is an online European tournament'
if you agreed to play with Chile, this rule is "canceled" (dunno how to say, maybe: "not working at this match")

it should be 1:0 for you (if you didn't want to play) or you should stick to the rules and play on US server
in this case YOU have broken the rules

edit: and I don't favor neither SLO nor Chile
GG to all those "this is a European Cup" whiners for scaring new faces off. This season could of become the most exotic NC in history. A global cup is some of the best advertisement ET can get, as there is not much more to praise. Now people who said it's a fun cup anyway in the beginning, predict to take that cup so serious that they can't agree on equal circumstances for both teams. Very poor, no sportsmanship, no fair play.

Regarding ClanBase, in case you invite non-European countries to participate, you should have adapted the rules also. This way, no overseas team will compete in future events again. Thanks for that. Oh and yea, our EU only NC is so much more interesting.
you can't really blame teams, compare it to anything you want. there isn't any reason for a team that normally plays with 48 to play with ~170 ping. you can call it anything you want, but the question you should be asking is why one team should suffer and play worse so the other team can play better?

its never fun playing with ~170 ping, i rather quit the game than playing with that ping. so when you play on equal server where both teams have around the same ping, your forcing both teams to play shit and less fun for both.

i think we can argue about this on and on:DD but we both have a valid argument!
you are absolutely right
should be equal loL
should be equal loL
I think someone who made cb rule should be blamed or respected
to be honest in the intrest of fair play Slo should of plaed on US server. Forget the clanbase rules its caled sportsmanship. Some people don't see it as taking part they just want to win.

Like Slo have a chance of winning NC, so I don't know why they didnt offer to play on a US server.
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