Taxes over sea

Hi, I just won a price from and they are sending it from America to Holland over sea, does anyone know the tax I need to pay for that trip?
Isnt the shiping fee included to the price? i won it :p
A really nice headset
id say that also pays the tax tbh
Were? :D link!!
i dont know but usually thats included in the price you won, isnt it?
just ask those admins or the staff or whatever, whether you gotta pay the tax or not..and if yes, im sure they can answer ur question
Yea, they said you may also need to pay tax. But they said they dont know the price of that tax.
Ah..well ok, dunno, google? ^^
just go on your countrys tax department page and calculate it.
what did you won?
1x Astro Gaming A40 Audio System! 245 dollar headset :D:D:D:D
import duty + vat from all countries out side the eupean union! Normally theres a minimum price for the package, in denmark its like 30$ including shipping! So pretty much tax on anything you buy from outside europe.
around 30/35 euro i guess dunno
einfuhrumsatzsteuer/ import turnover tax afaik
nothing if you mark it as a gift
mag je niet gewoon tot 300 euro invoeren? :/
You have to pay both the TAX and the DUTY for all products coming from outside the European Union.

But there are a lot of goods you don't have to pay duty for. If you have the time, you can browse through the TARIC codes on the EU website where you find ALL goods and their duties.

Since your good is a Headset I found the right TARIC code for your good as you can see here:

As you see your good is free of duty (surprise, surprise :P).

Nevertheless you have to pay the income salestax which varies within EU countries but you can calculate with about additional 20% on the purchase price + shipping.
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