gayfuckup at et

this journal is inspired by mapload errors ingame

image: b5qu5jp1udusckim0

so far i have tried over 6 et.exe's ,downloaded from different locations, all giving this error : currenlty im running et with 8mb of installisation and copypaste of etmain/etpro from other computer which is running quite okay, but gives fuckuped errors when maps are loaded

whats needs to be fixed

wohooo swine pack halpd me!
you fail
so does your pidar nationality
every1 hates israel :D
no wonder u failed
u have no iq :X
im not talking about israel moron

fu jews =XD
sir ur IQ should told u that he is from ee
lol hater

im gonna rape your mother

your ET-CD is broken :( now you must be sad!
shit! he gotta buy a new one
try ultimate installer
can not do
Got enough hd space? chipset drivers installed? installing from a native dir? not a temp inet cache. mine stuck at 86% too funny enough but it was only a slight pause.
try etultimate thingy imo
native directory?

hd enough , chipset yes, ultimate gets fookd, cuz of faulty ram probably , needs memtest86
you dont need memtest86, but the other memtest prog which actually checks your RAM and nothing but your RAM.
I remember I had this problem a few years ago. I redownloaded the installer and it worked fine after that.
format -> install
search for etpack 1.4 by swine
success ,thx
ouh care
hmm it seems u have to dl the etpack also it will take some time..
delete previous pak0's from the other nstalls. empty recycle bin.
do you have all admins rights?
and is just 1 account on your pc? i mean.. i had some problems with I/O ingame.. and it was because i didnt have all admin rights.. i could do everything i wanted to, but there was some shitty account..
i could try to log on from safemove i think , it should be über-admin? and try to install it there
no idea
nice nickname! pics pls!
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