reformatting #3

ok last day for help!

im going to reformat my pc tommorow morning, so which drivers will i need to save the most important ones, because i will be able to download others when i installed xp.

here are all my drivers:

can you tell me which ones that i will need?

Also would it be easier to find a download?

Thanks alot for your help!
Graphic card
I can tell you the things I install immediately after a format.

- GFX card drivers,
- Wireless card drivers
- Soundcard drivers,
- Motherboard drivers (Sometimes)

Once you've got XP installed, those are the "main" drivers you need to do things I guess.
Ok thanks!

Motherboard drivers, shall i include this just in case?

but these are the main things, if i already got a CD on such things such as soundcard i should use this... if not is there a certain website to download these drivers that i can download straight onto a CD?

If you know who makes your soundcard for example, you can just go to the website and download the drivers once you've formatted. You could put them onto a disk if you wanted too but it's just something else to get lost in a desk drawer. :P

I wouldn't worry about motherboard drivers too much. As long as your motherboard is fairly new then you don't really have to bother, as the motherboard drivers are mainly for features of the motherboard and nothing more.

Anything you don't have a driver disk for can be found online. I see you have a wireless card. Just make sure you have the disk for that and then you can download anything you need after the format.
You have € 250 on True
You won € 312.5 :)
Don't save anything, just delete everything, install os and then go for drivers and stuff :X
Always ;)
LAN, then download everything when ur online. Or use nLite to intergrate the drivers into the install disc and have them install at the last stages of the windows installation.
can you explain more about this? nLite

or talk to me on [email protected]
I dont really need to explain it, just get the correct drivers. (Are you allready on Xp? test them). For the likes of the nvidia drivers installers, run the exe, and it extracts to c:/nvidia/version just point nlite to that folder, not the exe.

Its not too difficult. Its all GUI stuff.
Get Xp Retestrak, that installs all drivers auto.!!! but its dutch, so i think there is a guy in england that this can make to:)

ask CuttyP, he can guide you through the whole thing.
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