space for items

Since i just got my external HDD back from my friend, and realised that i lost the main power supply to it so im fucked!

Basically i need space for music, pictures, ET folder, etc etc it will be like 15-20 GB big! :o

im wondering if there is anyway of saving all this stuff without a external HDD since im reformatting!

Thanks for help!
impossible and illegal

you're fucked
open the case that holds the ext hdd and put the hdd in ur PC ;)

it's just a normal hdd in that case ;)
Yeah, create a second partition and put all your stuff onto it, then format and copy them to your new one, format the partition and stick them together. Np. :)

Partition Magic
will it work on vista?
my friend had to re-install after he used it on vista, i wouldnt recommend it.
ok thanks. suppose i'm going to have to buy a new smaller HDD or something
do what triflip said =)
Vista has implemented a Partition-Creator as far as I know, just create a 2nd one!
if U got a 'free' cable/slot 4 another HDD in Ur PC, put this 'old HDD' in Ur 'new PC' ...
... check Jumper 4 slave/master/cableselct !

so U got E:\ as a new Drive (C:\ = hdd - D:\ =dvd-rom - E:\ = 'old HDD')

U don't need Partitionmagic or stuff if U put the '2nd HDD' in ...
... U only need PartitionMagic, if U want 2 put all this 'old files' on Ur 'new HDD' and want the old files on a own partition.

otherwise, get a free-account 4 webhosting/filehosting and take some days 4 uploding and then downloading ;)

list of free-webspace and free-1klick-hoster

Oh my god, gtfo with your format blabla problem, just use google, it's not like you are the first one to do that
use blue-ray or dvd and burn motherfucker burn!
What he said above, stick your stuff onto dvd's, there cheap as chips these days or ask your friend for the main power supply to your external HDD that he borrowed.
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