Pro Isreal

A new clan set up by me. To show support to them, and claim what they do is good and they are not wrong by doing it.

PM for invite. =)
no , i dont support war
oh fuck off, this is why people are anti-semetic because you all have a bad attitude and cant accept that your doing wrong.

fucking jews.
I'm no jew, I'm white, 100% Dutch (as far as the birth tree shows me). Kthx.
make me admin im 2nd person to join your team
let me get moar members first <~: (hehe at smiley)
dont be a fucking scum then.
So because my opinion regarding what Israel does doesn't match yours I'm scum?
Ever read a history book?
Yes, what are you trying to point out?
i give up trying to talk to you.
You're just being weird.
He´s trying to point out that your IQ must be in a two digit area.
I could care less.
Justifying that you are not Jewish because you´re white shows how fucking stupid you are.
In this case it does justify me. Because the thing here now is mostly about being Palestinian or Isreali. In my case I'm neither, and I'm a Christian fyi, not Jewish.
thats not relavent... hes saying you can be white and a scum i mean jew...
You don't even know me, how can you tag me as scum? You moron.
i didnt call you a scum, i said you can be white and a jew.

hARRIS on 22/01/09, 23:14:44 PM | Reply

dont be a fucking scum then.
reply to that comment then :< stop confusing me.
You didn´t even get the point, another proof of your stupidity.
Okay so I'm missing the point, /care.

This journal wasn't even meant to be a debate of some sorts.
I can't want until England bomb wales!
how can he accept he is doing wrong? :-)
this would mean his death
Stop generalizing, please. You rather should say 'Fuck extremists on either side', or 'Make love not war'.
fuck you
pro-nazi clan coming soon?
the reason is easy, look at your nick...
id join it even if my nick wouldve been fizip!
But the name change wouldn't change your bain status. :(
brains are overrated. doing > thinking
thats disgusting dude.. :(
please, it's not like you've never been goatse'd before
google images -> "goatse"
OMFG that just sick :<
welcome to the internet, please enjoy your stay.
thanks, i cant believe right now how i managed to live without having ever seen this :s
Keep this shit off Crossfire please :/
Sadly there's some truth in that.



k, got it now :D:D:D:D:D LOL
can i join?
get this sexy flag too!!
u have a palestianian flag lol xD
lol rly ? accident
thats why he asked it ... n1 comment
Crossfire is the place to be when it comes to politics.
or mistaken identities
you make your beeta haard to playyy
For Olly:

Oh please, everyone nowadays is treating Palestinians like poor little babies. "Oh Israel kills children in Gaza"

Hamas would do the same if they had at least as accurate weaponry as Israel does. If you don't want your people to be killed, don't keep shooting rockets. Let's have a lame comparison.

Let's say the Hamas weaponry is a mosquito, and the Israel weaponry is a person. Oh the mosquito keeps sucking the person's blood, but the person will try to kill the mosquito, even though it's soooo much bigger.
"On 27 December 2008, Israeli F-16 strike fighters launched a series of air strikes against targets in Gaza. Struck were a mosque, various Hamas government buildings, a science building in the Islamic University, and a U.N.-operated elementary school in a Palestinian refugee camp"

so your weapons are accurate and the Israelis actually go for targets like that? and the radicals firing rockets are worth killing children mothers and grandmas for?
how do you fucking know that the person dont try to kill the mosquito before it try to such his blood? and it just suck the blood because it tries to pretend hisself ?

you say it: Hamas would do it... the hundreds of civilians killed by Israelis surely would not have. I'm neither pro Israel nor pro Palestinian. In my opinion the leaders on both sides are retarded.
The Israeli media is even more manipulative than the US were right after 9/11.

but isearli is more retarded because they use their possibilities with the military shit there...
Wtf? Maybe Palestine doesn't use regular military, because they have none? The hamas (next to many Arabian states) is financing the missiles, bombs and any military ways, which have been used against Israel all along.
fuck that. boxxy > this shit
image: 1232304015323
you should get banned for making this stupid clan
Coudl you explain why?
Quote claim what they do is good and they are not wrong by doing it.

since when is killing people good
Maybe I phrased that wrongfully, but I didn't mean it like you say it.
nope you phrased it exactly how almost all the stupid israels would do it !!!!!!
i got a simple question,

X country will attack Z for a long age with the reason, "they took my nature resources", Z will attack them back ofcourse, and noone will say a thing.

but watch this situation

Y organization take over the X country, and they are using them to attack Z, Z will try to kill all the Y members, after 8 years of getting bombed.

how do you want to defend Z's citizens, without damage X?
Then go and learn to articulate yourself before posting. Wait...your IQ...
Why didn't you want users to be banned then, when they created clans like this?

Why do you give a statement "killing people is nice" with approving the existence of Israel?

Less media hype and populism, more brain using.
It doesn´t say Pro-Deutschland, implementing a political statement which just is the wrong place in a multinational gaming community.
It depends on the interpretation. If I would take some time I surely could find a better matching example. Nevertheless, don't you agree with me nobody had whined about a clan called 'Pro UK'? This 'pro' is more a statement about the right of existence, which is not questioned by some people in other cases.

And why is policy misplaced on a community? Policy is all what surrounds us and even affects gaming itself, e.g. Germany's age restriction.
Those kids are damn lucky that they die so young
The very right of existance of Israel at this place is inviolable nor the right of defence. Unquestionably, there is crime against humanity and Israel is going too far at some situations. But this is war, show me one, when it wasn't the case. No difference to the war in the Iraq, Afghanistan or Serbia.
so if somebody goes and lives in one of your houses you should go as far as to burn it down and kill everyone in it, so it's no good to you or anybody?
Every war fails. We actually live in 2009, there must be other ways than killing innocent people on both sides.
Not really relevant to this but. In 2009 I suppose girls should be allowed to get taught at school, but Taliban thinks otherwise and kills those who are getting an education.
better for them to live without an education than not live at all
That's true, but completely retarded.
Better to live as a slave instead of dying free, right?
Did I say this is right?
No, just saying that it's very unlikely humanity will stop solving things trough violence.

At least, any time soon.
Definitely. My point is, nobody questioned the state USA, UK or Germany, when they carried on a war. The group doesn't say anything else than approving the state Israel.

I have stated a few times on crossfire that I also don't agree to the current actions of Israel, but the Palestinian side isn't better in any way. So this pro Palestine hype is so ridiculous.
I´m not "pro" to any side in this case, you can´t even have a statement by the stuff which is shown in the media.
More than 1 million to the streets of London, millions more around the globe, not entirely true now is it?
I don't understand your point. :/ In case of you mean the protests against the Iraq war, I meant questioning the existence of the states.
at least going into iraq, the country was run by a tyrannical leader, and although i don't agree with the war, it can be argued that it's better for the people in the long run.

who benefits from you killing all the people in gaza?
This stuff is so much polluted by propaganda that you can´t really have a statement as a european tbh.
i agree we can't know, all i'm say is i'm sure the reason's better than for some land
Please? You wanna tell me it was more reasonable to invade the Iraq? Israel is surrounded by countries, which want destroy it. The populations of Israel have got directly attacked from the Palestine area.

As if the hamas wouldn't be tyrants.
"Israel is surrounded by countries, which want destroy it."

you're clearly not liked very much
Bring up your point straight.
you know, its not about the arabs, its about the jews, dosent metter what is the situation, the jew will always lose the politic war, the worlds hate israel, nothing to hide, but support the arabs? in 20 years from now, the arabs will have a very big percentage of the europ population, then you will blame your goverment, only becuse there is noone else to blame but yourself, the hamas is using the plestinians, both side will have sacrifices but there is no other option, after the mission will be complited israel will only help the plestinians who are realy dont want the hamas to control them

sorry for my english
"in 20 years from now, the arabs will have a very big percentage of the europ population"

You have been reading to much extreme-right propaganda. These kind of stories are purely written to create some kind of fear in the population so the people would vote for them.

And your remark is just the same remark that the native americans used against the blacks and the hispanics in the US. And look now, most black people and hispanics are integrated in the american society and in 20/30 years racism won't even be a issue in the US. The new generation who grow up in the US or Europe take the values and norms of the country they live in. Just look at the US. The persons of the 2nd generation can be black or white but u see that they have the same values as the americans. They are influenced by western media, newspapers, people,... so the next generation will be as much american or european as the other people in the country. And if you are muslim or christian, who cares? Besides that, they only take 2/3/4/5% in most countries (except France and the Netherlands)

Reading your comment thinks me of the same kind of people who think all muslims are terrorists. Off course they are, right?
First of all, about the end of your comment, NO, im from israel and i realy dont have any problem, not with lebanons, not with plestinians and not with egyptans or any other's country muslems, but you know what? i do got a problem with the hizballa, the hamas, the fatah or any other organization that take over the country, but there are many arabs that support them, and for the rest of your comment, you cant compare the arabs to the blacks, becuse the blacks wants peace, the muslem says that they wont rest untill everyone in the world will be muslem, they say that for every israeli kid that will born, they will born 10 muslems, they even want to destroy others more then take thier territorys

3%-4% (Germany, Sweden, Serbia)
4%-5% (Belgium, Austria, Switzerland)
5%-10% (Netherlands, France)
10%-20% (Russia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Cyprus)

maybe your are right, its not huge numbers right now, i mean, ONLY 5.5 millions arabs at Germany
but watch this page:

listen, "Not every muslem is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a muslem"

i cant find the muslims born ratio, your lucky day..
Who says this?
Ok, great, so you accept it’s the inane senseless ramblings of a right wing racist, we can move on :}
I hope that you'll country will fight some brigade organization, gl
I didn't search the percentage of every country, tha's why I said in most (wich is true) countries there are 5% or less muslims so 'invading' Europe is (much too) strong word.
And countries like Bulgaria and Montenegro and a few other countries in the Balkan have always had a huge muslim population so 'invading' those countries is totally wrong. For decades there are lots of muslims there and they are integrated. It's not because there are muslims in the Balkan that they are extremists and against christianity. I have lived in Turkey for 6 months (muslim country) and the turkish are one of the most friendly people I've met, much more friendly then Greek people or anywhere I've been. Not 1 time did I saw a potential terrorist who wants to kill every non-muslim.

And only the extreme muslims want all other non-muslims dead. You have this in christianity too. Skinheads (ok not a religion but still a group of people with same values), the rednecks in the US are against muslims and black people too but it doesn't mean that everybody in the US or Europe hate muslims or black people.

It's all about integration. People who feel accepted (muslim or not) will contribute to society and accept and adapt to the values of the country they live in. And if they don't, after a while they will anyway because of the influence of newspapers, TV, other people, etc... The 2nd generation will be American (if they live in US) just like all the other Americans, muslim or not.

And again those predictions is to create a debate or fear if it comes from extreme-right parties. It's the same with global warming. At 2100 the world will be 6° hotter. It's a prediction but do u believe it or do u think it will happen? Just the same bullshit stories.
QuoteI have lived in Turkey for 6 months (muslim country) and the turkish are one of the most friendly people I've met, much more friendly then Greek people or anywhere I've been.

that means shit tbh, my father spoke to many turks when he was in holidays there and the turks in turkey hate the turks in germany
you cant compare a culture in it's natural place and the same culture in a country outside this natural place
"that means shit tbh, my father spoke to many turks when he was in holidays there and the turks in turkey hate the turks in germany
you cant compare a culture in it's natural place and the same culture in a country outside this natural place "

Well that actually is true. I spoke with many turkish people and they told me that several decades ago only the low skilled and poor people (so more crime etc...)came to western countries whereas in the US immigrants were mostly high skilled. And yes the turkish admit that the turkish in Germany or Belgium are much worse then the turkish in Turkey and from my experience it's certainly true too.
QuoteNot every muslem is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a muslem

That's a pretty shitty generalisation. ^^
You should stop generalizing, Dude.
QuoteONLY 5.5 millions arabs at Germany

You should rather speak of muslims and there are 'only' 3.3 millions.
you right about the muslims and i read 5.5
QuoteAccording to the German Central Institute Islam Archive, the total number of Muslims in Europe in 2007 was about 53 million, including 16 million in the European Union.
(around 7,5%)
QuoteToday, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

QuoteProfessor Philip Jenkins of Penn State University estimates that by 2100, Muslims will compose about 25% of Europe's population.
just wanted to show him that his first thought was wrong.
Projections are worth shit.
well, unless something unforeseen happens, that will be the future
No, no it won’t, projections are relative, is that worst case, best or average? What factors does that stat consider? How are we defining Muslim? Does it consider that a developed countries birth rate is generally lower than the rest of the world? Does it consider inter-racial/religious marriage? Does it consider that developed westerners are generally irreligious? Ad nauseum…

Projections are worth shit.
No, no it won’t, projections are relative, is that worst case, best or average? - it's the average prediction i think, tho i admit i dont know

How are we defining Muslim? - a follower of islam(doesn't need to be necessarily religious)

Does it consider that a developed countries birth rate is generally lower than the rest of the world? - if it doesnt, the prediction would be even worse

Does it consider inter-racial/religious marriage? - it's a minor argument, doesnt change the predictions as a whole

but well, i have to admit, predictions are often very unprecise, we cant know wether the birth rate of muslims increases, stays on the same level or decreases and we can't know how migration will change with economic disasters to come

sry for that somehow shitty english today.
I said that in most countries the muslim population is between 2 and 5% (which is true). I didn't say that the average percentage was 2-5%.
And the fact that the 1st statistic comes from the"German Central Institute Islam Archive" make me even doubt those numbers because they have all interest to make it larger then reality so they get a bigger voice and more attention from the politic parties etc...

And again predictions are just predictions. Just read my other replies. They also say that the earth will be 6° hotter in 2100, that's a prediction too, but will it happen?? I highly doubt it. The same with energy. One prediciton says that the import of Russian gas will rise highly in the next 20 years and that we will be too dependant on Russian gas. But other predictions say that renewable energy will be 20 or 30% in 2020 or 2030 and other predictions say that Nuclear energy will be the future and other predictions say that because of being more efficient we will use much less energy in the future. It are predicitons and it's just that. U don't have to believe it will happen. And even if it does they will be europeans (at least from 2nd generation) just like the rest of us because of media, etc... blablabla see my other reply to blitzz
QuoteAnd the fact that the 1st statistic comes from the"German Central Institute Islam Archive" make me even doubt those numbers because they have all interest to make it larger then reality so they get a bigger voice and more attention from the politic parties etc...

it's an institute founded and lead by muslims.
QuoteAnd even if it does they will be europeans (at least from 2nd generation) just like the rest of us because of media, etc...

highly doubt it, since we got already the 3rd generation in germany and it seems to become even worse(i want to note that i dont say it's entirely their fault, mostly it's a problem of education and loosing one's roots).

and btw, you cant compare economic to demographic predictions
Integration varies ‘n is insanely complex… again, you could also argue over the semantics of how we’re defining integrated.

A question, if, as that statistic points out, the European birth rate is going to decline, in what way is it a bad thing that the non-indigenous population will increase? It’s a requirement to sustain a growing economy… (and pay our pensions !!)

Why does an increasing Muslim population scare you? What reason, beyond the hardline zealots [whom I wouldn’t consider a true representation of over a billion people ], have they offered to make you fear them?
QuoteA question, if, as that statistic points out, the European birth rate is going to decline, in what way is it a bad thing that the non-indigenous population will increase? It’s a requirement to sustain a growing economy… (and pay our pensions !!)

To point it out, I have nothing against immigration as well because of the reasons you just mentioned. But it's happening to fast nowadays, with a low percentage of another culture in your country you're able to 'assimilate' or for my sake integrate them and behold the upper hand. That's just not possible anymore, Imo. I'm fearing of the consequences to come from either side.
I just recognized that I've answered your second question already.
"and btw, you cant compare economic to demographic predictions"

If its an economic or demographic prediction, it doesn't matter because it's irrelevant in this case. I was only pointing out that you can predict anything with some numbers and statistics but they still don't mean much. That's why I used those examples (energy example for instance), to show u that it can go all sides, especially if we talk about 20 or 30 year in the future.
I already admitted that predictions are somewhat inprecise, but you have to distinguish between predictions, that's why I mentioned you can't compare economic to demographic predictions.
In the energy case, it can happen something unforeseen, an unexpected turn in science or the discovery of a new gigantic field of oil, while in the demographic case the prediction is relatively(!) precise because I don't know what should happen to prevent it of becoming true.
good idea :D
Being "pro" towards a country that are wiping out all the palestinians living in the gaza strip, despite the majority of their victims own opinion, is apparently ok on crossfire.

it seems no worse to me than being pro white and wanting to wipe out all the black people from the UK, because black people are more likely to commit crime (which is a fact btw, although the opinion is not one i agree with, i understand there's good and bad in everyone.) I can guarantee i'd be banned in 10 seconds flat.
I support israel but there going the wrong way to solving there problems with hamas.
And i dont belive the palestine people really support hamas anymore but again they cant speak out against them
They have elected them? :D Although I can judge, whether the election have got manipulated.
Well i was watching some news thing this morning, and it looked like hamas support is wavering quite alot.
How unexpected to see retards like Rhand in that list.
On the other hand I expected many more people on that list so my faith is at least a bit more restored in the average xfire member.
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