Belgian psycho stabs over 25people

At least two (Oh hai thats 3 kids now and 2 adults)people have been killed in a knife attack at a creche in north-western Belgium, medical officials say.

Details are still emerging, and local media reports suggest five people have died and a further 20 (FYI all chideren) are injured.

The government confirmed an incident was taking place in Dendermonde, north-west of Brussels, but could not give details of reported deaths or injuries.

Police are at the scene and children have been evacuated from the creche to a nearby reception centre.

Reports said the attacker, who was wearing black and white make-up, fled the scene and a police helicopter is involved in the search for him.

*got caught and painted his face black and white Lol brandon lee/eric draven/the crow?

Nice k/d ratio overal.. i cant even do that online so just imagine how difficult it must have been in person.. +It must have been all close range too! unless he was throwing them around Lol
just heard it on stubru, what the fuck /:

e: same in finnish, and they say that: the stabber has been caught according to some Belgian TV (VTM) and the other source says he hasn't been caught. And the make-up was similiar to the Joker
wat een kanker mongool
I doubt he had cancer..
i hope he will be hanged
with a cheese-cutting rope.
I hope they release him somewhere in the middle of my country.. the "poor" places/schools in rotterdam or amsterdam would be fine

all those 4/5/6yr olds got attitudes that make you go like WTF
echt een wereldverbeteraar ben jij :D
ik weet het! ach, ik ben niet echt om serieus te nemen.

Maar ik zou best voor president door kunnen: D

mijn creatieve , misvormde en zieke ideeen zouden tot een mooi resultaat leiden^_^
hee als je maar alle drugs legaliseerd en de kerk opheft ben ik blij
I did better with postal 2.

(but I used a shovel to decapitate heads for hockey purposes)
it was BelgiumAL1, he found out he is low-
funny ^^ die of aids jew ^^
found it on a dutch site and then looked for an english version..
wtf O_o and 25people aswell, altho he wasn't as lethal as most of those schoolshooters, he sure did alot of damage, and just with a knife aswell.
" Bij-Dendermonde heeft een man een kind en een volwassene doodgestoken in OCMW-kinderdagverblijf "

let's hope he stabbed foreigners
you're the funny-fuck at home, aint ya son :-)
wasn't being funny , but i am the funny-fuck at home
you got some lip on you midget..
why dont u dust that thing off once in a while, asshole
while you resort to plain namecalling and idiocy , i was just pointing out my hate towards foreigners and the desire to see them disappear . From your picture i can see ur either a balding foreigner or a balding tan-tard with a breezerslut , in which case i never expect you to see that foreigners kill this country by mooching of our social system and therefore disabling me from ever getting a fair pension after my 40 years of work.

Besides that "you got some lip on you midget..
why dont u dust that thing off once in a while, asshole " was the saddest flame i've ever witnessed.
breezersluts:/ theres pretty much nothing else left in my town:S funny how all of these "breezersluts" tell us that they got raped or sexually abused at least once in their miserable lifetime... whilst all the normal girls i know didnt lol

2 many breezers on 1 night,1 smart thinking guy, sex, mistake or regret afterwards, OH i got raped-_-

Society is rotten these days. Kids don't care about education anymore and therefore they stay dumb. I didn't care about education 3 years ago , fucked 2 years up but they my common sense developed and told me i had to learn , for some people that doesn't happen.

but hey , i need gardeners & cleaning ladies for my house , so no problem
mammy and daddy raised ya like that, son?

-grow up.. and
-go to school

get some proper education before opening that mouth of ya, seems like you don't even know what happened and what's happening..
you brainwashed fool
maybe you should try to respect someones opinion? even when you dont like his :/

what are you? a religious man? lol idiot
i respect everyone's opinion.. but this fella started with

let's hope he stabbed foreigners..
i was just pointing out my hate towards foreigners and the desire to see them disappear..

keep in mind:

Quote by Rules

Other things which are not allowed on Crossfire include:

- Racism

get it, chopstick? ;-)
And again some random iq5 cf-enthousiast calls me a racist . You and your petite brain cannot comprehend the fact that the term foreigners DOES NOT imply a particular race . Therefore you shouldn't call me a racist , but a nationalist. Also i haven't been brainwashed by anyone to feel this hate towards this inferior kind of people . I live in belgium for 21 years , and that seems to suffice for many of us belgians to see who's fucking up this country.

Furthermore i don't see why i would need education while you are 27 and still have no better response than

Quotemammy and daddy raised ya like that, son?

-grow up.. and
-go to school

get some proper education before opening that mouth of ya, seems like you don't even know what happened and what's happening..
you brainwashed fool

This makes me to believe you never had any education yourself.
let's hope he stabbed foreigners +
i was just pointing out my hate towards foreigners and the desire to see them disappear..

besides your nationalism (devotion and loyalty to one's own nation; patriotism), i can smell your racism (a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.) too, son.. don't worry

you're not brainwashed indeed, you're just too controversial

shortly said.. belgium belongs to the Belgium people and none else at all! according to you, aint it????
Quoteshortly said.. belgium belongs to the people and none else at all![/q]l according to you, aint it????

it belongs to them, but immigrants and natives should live together in peace.
YES, but this dude doesn't even give the rest the chance as you can see
he said "let's hope he stabbed foreigners.." in general (so that means the bad AND good ones) in my eyes, this is besides national also racial..
i never doubt that
If i were a racist , i would hate people in marocco , turkye , russia too , but i don't. I visited marocco(1x) , turkye (2x) and egypt (4x) and i didn't hate the locals.
Now you in your ignorance might say , " well how would you like it if they started hating you " , well there's 3 differences :
  • I would adapt to the country's beliefs and customs and would not try to impose my own retarded religion upon them.
  • I would work for my money ( since there is no social system in those countries) and not take away the financial security of those who do work by my own laziness.
  • I would not start break things & molest people in that country ( e.g marocco , turkye ) to protest against wrongs done in my home country (e.g belgium )

I simply hate those who oppose a threat against my nation ( aka nationalism ). You cannot win this argument , ever. You are too ignorant and lack the intelligence to disprove a FACT.
QuoteI simply hate those who oppose a threat against my nation ( aka nationalism ).

..those who oppose a threat against your nation, and you mentioned foreigners IN GENERAL.. so these are ALL the foreigners living in Belgium, according to you

yeah sure.. all of them are posing a threat + are bad
grow some brains kid..

i guess the saying is true 100%

Never argue with idiots, they just drag you down to their level then beat you with experience :
in this case.. you won, image: cup_gold have fun! :-)

now gtfo and enjoy your one-sided mind/life
as i said , ur not smart enough to understand.

There are some good foreigners (e.g those who work and adapt & speak the fucking language )
First of all i do not include them in the word " foreigners " since they participate in our economy and not kill it , they take the effort to learn our language , they don't go running around annoying/molesting every local ( like 99% of the moroccan youth in belgium), in which case they become ' belgians'.
Then there are those foreigners who do work but not adapt ( Turkish ), e.g my local kebab whom i love dearly. But when considered the other 80% ( Moroccan ) of foreigners who do not work and just mooch of working people , pure math tells us that we would be better off without them.
And since our country is ( and surely now with the financial crisis ) in a social & economic crisis , they have to go.
Them being lazy cannot entirely by blamed on them since :
1. Most foreigners are not intelligent
2. Our left-minded retard government is throwing money at them without asking something in return ... i would take it too.

Recently the family of the illegal black woman who got shot asked for money emotional damages while the law clearly states if you are illegal here you have no rights.
Now they are gonna either change the law , or the family will sue the black womans employers.

in my overexagerated opinion , people who shoot illegals who stayed here 1 year after their dismissal from the country , should NEVER EVER be sued.

I doubt you will understand this since you look like foreigner on your picture , in which case i only expect you to understand the word OCMW
nice assumptions, and I'm not a foreigner moron
second.. I've got 3 jobs (1 full and 2 part time) for over 15months now
yeh you heard me, oh wait you were saying.. OCMW?

I work my ass off, which especially is needed during these (crisis) times
so before knowing anything, keep those lipss jammed lil'd winter
Well with your wannabe-negro language you sure try to look like a foreigner so you can't blame me for thinking that. 1 Full time job , 2 part time , and you still find enough time to reply on every post i make , either you are on cocaine or you're just making shit up , probably the latter. Now you keep ya big lips together or i'll smack you round like ya daddeh did.
I used to game a lot that's how I got here in first place (and there's a pc available at my 2 part time jobs, so ye..)

oh besides.. lose the lip dude, doesn't suit you at all
I wuz tawkin on yo level so youz cud understand me yo. I aint lozin no lip for a wannabe yo , i'd beat the shit outta youz tanning cokehead.

It belongs to Flanders !!
25 people and still not caught, guess he's been watching hitman recently :O)
the bourne supremacy pls....
bourne doesn't use knives that much rly :(
true but he's good in running and hiding:>
this guy wasn't, he ran away on a fucking bike ;D
"apparently he fled to a psychiatry where he probably lived."

uhh i see it coming. 'he didn't know what he was doing' ...5 years on probation.
if even that much
it was vila
This is becoming more and more like the UK with all the stabbing stuff.
what is a creche? lol
where you can drop your children if you have to go to work, then after work you can pick them up again :-)
aha, like a "dagis" in swedish!
they should cut his hands of
agree, and use the same knife he did
It is crazy, it's coming shorter every day man...

and the worst thing is.. THAT guy will not be taken 'responsible', he will be seen as "sick".
Unbelievable =/
well he probably is...
well he probably is...
what's the difference... he'll be in jail, I don't care if they call him sick or responsible
There is a big difference between being in jail or an institution for crazy people.
I bet they will release him the next day because of some sort of "procedure fault".
finally overdrive does a M-M-M-MULTIKILL
thats not funny at all :/
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