verify your installation?

i keep getting this problem....

11341 files in pk3 files
----- CL_Shutdown -----
Couldn't load default.cfg - I am missing essential files - verify your installation?

i searched it up on google, but couldnt find any thing.

You know what to do?
I believe i had that once too, dno anymore how i solved
Did u try to make an empty default.cfg ?
i had that all the time, your patching it up wrong i think, make sure u get both the 2.60 and 2.6b files n do the right things with them :D!
i know what to do, pm cuttyP
why pm me, when YOU know what to do? :P
i just thought that you'd love to have 1 more pm :D
hey u on irc?
im helping the cause
what etnies said
what wsk said
what inFi said
essential files.. check if your pak1.pk3 etc are not corrupt, else get fresh reinstal (and ofc save ETkey.)
i think you need to find essential files :-)
essential files are missing i think
This can be caused by having too many pk3 files, so try cleaning out some crap from etmain/etpro.
if i get enough pms, i'll get money from inFi, so go ahead
enough, as in 50+!
you deleted too much when you cleaned your installation :p
gotta start the et.exe in the .../wolfenstein Enemy-Territory folder. Or if its a shortcut, it must contain the path in the "start in" option.
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