2n2, 3n3 or 6n6?

hoi gayz,

I'm going to host a 1daycup soon but my problem is I don't know which format it will be :(
Any suggestions? 2on2, 3on3, 6on6? Others?
prize will be a 18 slots warserver (ETTV ready) for 1 month

Gief inputs and random picz, thanks!
personally i prefer 6on6, but i also liked that goldendunk-cup we made :)
2o2 sux balls, 3v3 is easier to host but 6v6 is nicer tbh.
yeh, make it goldendunk. Would be cool to win prices at goldendunk cup
2on2 = lots of randoms, cheaters ect
3on3 = insta full cup
6on6 = only med clans join

and a prize for a 1day cup is too much imo, make ppl do smth (like a map) or a 2 week cup
enoug big cups already,

too less oneday 6vs6 cups..
4v4 with 2 rifles/team
idd, sick stuff
2v2 ofc !
6v6 all rifles
2v2 Sniper Challange
3v3 Panza pwnage
6v6 with med skilled or better clans, like MalteseFalcon already said :)
2n2 with a prize 18 slots warserver (ETTV ready) for 1 month

u see irony ?
8on8 baserace :D
Would love it=D
with server you get good 6v6 clans and mixes too!

so take it!

3v3 could be ok too but not 2v2 otherwise mamut wins it xD
2o2 is like chmpp said mamut insta win
3o3 is nice :D because i have team for 3o3
6o6 okay too but i need a team :<
could be fun too :D
6o6 doh!! :D
2vs3 medics vs engs !
5on5 or 6on6
6v6, but in the evening ~20CET
14v14 baserace
5v5 theres hardly anything 5v5 exept cb ladder
I go with that.
6v6 only
better host the real life cup.
SSC incoming

there are already 10k 3on3 cups
and 2on2 sucks so hard
do something original there are to many 3v3 cups so don't do that! I read a post of some kind of powerball mod or smting? try if you can make a cup of that! it looks funny:X but gl w0nd3r
need golden dunk cup :O
Prefer 6o6
6o6 is the present
2on2 omfgomfgomfgoogfm
6o only!
6v6 ofc
ask cuttyP
oasis, knifes only 1v1
Knife cup 4v4!
speed cup or push cup
1v1 man ! :D

winder suxx
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