Bush: illegal wiretapping


Outrageous. Lets see what Obama will do about this. I'd make a nice use of guantanamo bay and make it a new home for Bush and his administration.
Bush!?!? Thinking himself above the law!?!?!? What is this madness.
reminds me of The Wire
except that there they actually used illegal wiretapping for what they were supposed to do in the first place
reminds me of the ddr
wow im sooooooooooooo shocked...
well they have done a lot of shit for which no one will ever come after them. this is the kind that might actually stick.
and i wouldnt expect any wonders from obama
Oh fuck that's news. You don't think every government is doing this? Come on wake up.
every government is recording all the internet traffic from each of their media houses and records all the phone calls made by every journalist? cmon get real.
They have the money, time, equipment and people to do it. What is there to get real about?
you could be right, but i have my doubts about it
1984 all over again.
No one said they listen/overlook every each of those records, but collecting them to the archive is fully realistic...goverment + multibilion phone companys, why not
One reason why not : it costs money
wont affect my life -> closed
well nuke u har har
you that programs biggest fan or what? :D
nah, but they are the only show i've seen so far that doesnt just rant against whoever opposes their political party, and tries to look at a situation from every angle
yeah, i thought the vid you posted about the using of human shields was good, they don't sound very professional though. in this case it's kind of hard to look at it from both sides though.
yeah they dont. and i like that about them. unlike palin trying to use big words to say something even she doesnt understand :)
what happened? 2long2watch :/
indeed, someone explain!
Well the same shit is in UK, Sweden, Lithuania, perhaps some other european countrys..furthermore phone companys must record every call and keep it in archive for 2 years. There where protests on this issue some time ago...bbye freedom
Wiretapped - ?

wtf does it mean, my low-english-level fails
listening to people's phone calls with some kind of device or something
like ensam sort of explained, it's listening in to other people's phonecalls. police/government are only allowed to do it if the courts allow them to as it defies the constitutional right to privacy.
The Young Turks :D
the show is awesome (i dont like the celeb stuff, but the rest is great)
Ye looks decent but even though I'm half American I don't really care about their politics so I don't really follow things like that, don't even watch the news, they're even more full of shit then the politicians anyways :D

On the other hand, the CIA has been monitoring everything since the earlier 80's anyways, at least that's what's being talked about so care ^_^
Bush the phreaker : D
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