New phone.. rawr

image: nokia-n96_02

Nokia N96 :D

And now I know people will come here saying I should have gotten a different phone. but no! i have and wanted this one =3
nice. i like nokia, simpel and classy
what simple? wich phone isn't simple ? imo 99% of normal phones are simply :) (not talking about PDA or shit like that for nerds)
nice phone
yep nice phone .. i got n95 .. i like the n95 more then the n96...and you dont really need 16gb ... i got 8gb and i dont even have 1gb of shit on it yet.. D:
i have like 3 gb so 5 left :(
We are both pimps now! Me has n95 and my schoolmatey snorbike got n96 <3


image: nokia-n95-8gb-review
+1 my mate can get this phones for a cheap price :)
Van de kamion gevalln
ja bitje obvious eh
500 €, lol.

Children of Consumerism like you are fucking pathetic.

PS: If you bought it on E-bay for 50€ ignore my comment.
Abonnement wasabi
israeli mongol
lolz its actually 550 euros but i got it for 200 cause i had bill pay for a year and got the phone cheaper then :P brand new ofc .. not some broken shit filled with paki diseases from ebay or w.e
dude, luxury = nice :) accept it!
Gratz, I could use one of those myself :).
i like the e71 more better design imo + it has a full keyboard
Why do you buy expensive phones like this? I'm fine whit my Nokia 3120.. cost 24e for me and it has mp3 player, camera etc..
wat! from now on, you are officially not cool anymore.
I prefer my phone :))))))))

image: 2927260227_6eed145fb1
portable? cuz i'm in need
It can be portable!
Does it have a ring ring? I got a new phone and it didnt have a ring ring, ringtone. Had to download a ring ring.mp3 and now it shows up in my mp3 player :E. FUCK PHONES
me n95 8gb
i want it2!
my brother has it, haven't really touched it, but grats :p
wtf that clock,do not like :D
That's a nice phone, I'm jealous :(

Mine: Nokia 5220

image: nokia5220cellphonenews1
I wanted one. until i saw N85 :) which i got instead, just the same except N85 is cheaper and has the best avi screen for a phone :D
should have waited for N97, touchscreen + full keyboard
do not want, i dont like touchscreens tbh, get all greasy.
noway dude! touchscreen sux when you are drunk and if you wait on n97 you can wait on the next version aswell :P
but n97 is comming soon, prolly march

but yeah n95 8gb is pretty nice phone, but the normal n95 is an epic fail when you know most mistakes nokia made on that phone :)
If somebody just threw it at me on the streets, I wouldn't refuse it no. But spending that much money on a mobile is pathetic.
Yes, there's nothing better in this whole world to spend your money on than a mobile phone.

Fucking pathetic consumerism fags.
omg i have to agree with Rhand -.-"
That's called 'NEEDS'. Idiot.
this phone is nothing but overpriced, the only thing that i liked my bro's phone was the GPS, nothing more, you can live with even an 200euroes phone, really
That a mobile phone is a need, I can understand. What I don't understand is that you can get a perfectly good mobile for less than 200€ and you still spend 700€ on it. That's no need, that's just a pathetic weakness. Giving into the media and marketing of big companies "buy n96 and you're cool".

It would surprise me if Snorfiets still has this mobile in 2 years (when his payment for this one ends).
I do agree with you that it isn't necessary to buy an expensive cellphone. I never buy a cellphone which costs more than € 200.
But it's just the luxury some people want. You can live in a small apartment, or in a big house. You can buy expensive clothes, you can shop at the wibra. You can buy expensive cellphones, you can buy cheap ones.
I don't understand why you make such a point of it. Isn't it just a thing that you want to buy because you like it? What in God's name is strange with that?
Nothing strange, I just dislike consumerism.
So you never buy expensive goods?
You're wrong, I have nothing against expensive goods. I do have something against buying overly expensive goods with no real extra value.
I think a good cellphone costs about, let us say, 200, 250 euros? Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you use that cellphone also as an Ipod, which also costs 200 euros. And you can use it as a route planner? If you make a calculation of these facilities, I think it isn't that expensive as you say.
Use the internet as a routeplanner, much easier.
Use an mp3 player to listen to music, you can have much more music on it.

For me a mobile must have a long standby time so I don't have to reload it every day, sufficient memory so I don't need to erase my messages and that's about it. Who gives a fuck about games (read a book instead of playing stupid games on a mini-screen) or camera (buy a real camera if u want to take some decent pics) or whatever extra shit there's on today.

All part of this consumerist bullshit world weak people are falling for.
Internet might be a solution if you don’t know a route from place A to B. But businessmen who need to travel a lot by car, do you think they always have the time to look on the internet to find their way? And what if suddenly there is some traffic on the road? Oops.

I’m not sure how many songs you can listen with the cell phone. But isn’t it almost as many as an mp3? I think so. Mp3s suck btw, you have to click all the time for a next song, with an IPod or with the cell phone you can easily look for songs you want to listen.
In my opinion, the mobile phone has a long standby time that you don’t have to reload it every day. There is enough memory to save your messages. I do agree with you with the games, although playing a game once a month when you can’t sleep isn’t bad at all! A decent camera costs nowadays more than 200 euro? I’m not going to buy a 200-euro camera to take once in a month some pictures at parties or something.
- A bussiness man who travels a lot by car either has a GPS system or a driver.
- No idea what kind of memory a cellphone has these days, doubt it's as much as a mp3-player though. And Ipod has it's advantages and it's drawbacks and most of it's principle is based on the same consumerism shit I'm bashing.
- This mobile has a 5 mp camera according to Frenky (who owns a n95). I bought a 5mp camera 1,5 year ago for 99€, so no, you don't need +200€ for a good camera.
I'm going to watch Southpark episodes.
Why buy a big house if you can live in a box as well!?!?!?!?
Comparing a mobile with a house, you're quite a bright chap.
Wasn't comparing a mobile phone by a house, was telling that your argument sucked.
You said: why spending so much money on a mobile phone, then the question to you was: "why spending so much money on a house while you can buy a very small one as well?".
Idiotic comparisson. A big house can has the extra value which makes it worth spending a lot of money on it (if you're a big family for example) while a 700€ mobile just doesn't have the extra value which justifies buying it. Buying it is just a sign of weakness.
Well, then you sleep with each other in bed?
No idea what you're on about, but most likely it's your typical bullshit anyway.
No, most likely is your hate for the modern-world.
Why would you care if somebody buys a phone which is priced €700,-?
If somebody buys a Ferrari, I'm not caring more then somebody buying a Mercedes, what's the point? I don't spend my money, I don't care.

You should just fucking leave it, instead of remarking everything you find exaggerated.
have it too, finished pokemon on it! ubernaiz
hahaha. nice one buying a N96 when the N97 is out in a month :D:D:D:D:D:D good luck with fucked up software and a fone which is basically an N95 with a different coat on :P
:DD:D:D:DD::D stupid comment, might as well never buy anything because something new is gonna be released soon.
would spare lots of money!
It's just a fucking awesome phone, let them be jealose
I pay a monthly fee anyway... I could have chosen n95 or n96 for same price perm onth and shiz and n96 was nicer imo so
JEALOUS? yeah, thats what i am :>
the N96 was the biggest mobile phone dissapointment in the last year man, hardly a stupid comment. same camera, same os, same features, same design, same screen, all except the software faults on the N96 are too numermous to mention. 8ig N95 pisses all over this, they got it all correct with that phone, the N96 they just didnt do anything different at all. rediculous. 1 month to wait for the N97 isnt long, thats all im saying, youre now in a contract for like 12 months minimum with a fone that wont last you 6 months without going wrong :<
another brick that retains the crappy OS
symbian os 60 rules though! :P (cough,splutter)

cant be as bad as the G1 from t-mobile though, google android is pretty good, pity the double life battery only runs the fone for 16 hours with all the features on.... now thats a fuck up of immense proportions.

i just got the new blackberry curve. 8900 rules!
haven't tried the G1 long enough to have a decent opinion. iPhone OS is what I look to compare to though.
Nice one banning me :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
You banned me from Bio server.

I've tried to connect to the server for 5/6 times now, everytime i get "Server disconnected for unknown reason" and yesterday it said my IP was banned from the server.
lol, dude, i can assure you, as much of a dick you were being yesterday, i have not banned you :/
Hmm strange o0 do you know any1 else who is able to ban on bio server?
nope, only me with rcon, unless you got caught up in some ip subnet ban range ive done on a hacker... if so. erm, pm me your ip etc and ill sort it
I'm oldskool N70 image: 20060207-nokia-n70
still like it tho
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