24 Jan 2009, 12:13
Hello guys. I read some german news. There were mentioned that it exist teachertube.com. It is basically like youtube.com but teacher upload methods how to teach children. Because many pupils don't understand the normal way of getting information at all. So they sometimes need to rap the teacher. (for 9 Multiplication) :D
What do you think about this idea?
What do you think about this idea?
hey teacher leave the kids alone!
my ex live :D
But I still like the idea:p
I'd love too see a history rap about the 2nd world war. :D
It is basically like youtube.com but teacher upload methods how to teach children.
fagz.. isn't it lame indeedß
it wastes 10 times the time to learn that in normal process
If you aren't even able to learn your tables by heart you must be retarded lolz
To me this seems like a method to make children even more lazy ;-x they don't even have to be able to read anymore >__<
Imho it would be more helpful if they just put their lessons on line instead of these shitty rap songs about way too easy stuff.
There is some serious milf material on on that site though :o
to teach over hip-hop, thats just stupid and wrong!
but failed :/
nobody will learn the multiplication table because ms robinson ist such a hiphop motherfucking gangster
teachers try to get a connection to the pupils..
in this case the teacher ist just being a moron
common.. listen to the lyrics, e.g. "nigger"
My 8th graders will view this today. I hope to inspire them
to do more. Thank you for all your efforts. Jim
8th grade learns 9 multiplication :D?