Looking for some pics

Ohi, I'm looking for some epic pictures made of things on CF (screenshots and shite) new or old np, post?
decem ftp
Hahah just took a look inside and found pulza's whine about metalheads xD
dunz ftp
jew eye for a jew eye

Bah I took a screenie of voiler recently pwning ziomekpvp but can't find it now :( Well was fun fo Polish folks only anyway
<- profile
search more, its a hidden msg
just speak the truth , u just wanna see evilynns tits
who doesnt?
unlike u, he doesnt.
keep dreaming
dreaming about? an ugly violent italian? sure, cant imagine better.
sorry but not everyone can be as beautiful as u are :DDD
yeah and im sooo violent cause i had a fight once seems like u know me really well
just stop talking bullshit 8D
u are a grown woman maybe start acting like it instead of running around on events / websites full of people who are half as old as u just to get some attention
ye, ofc, i went to cc5 to get attention. Maybe YOU stop talking bullshit and grow up, instead of randomly flaming. I went there, because accidentally I am playing ET, and there are guys older then me, playing it, and guys older then me who attended LAN as well. Did they also want attention? Guess not.

No, I dont know u very well, and I dont wanna change that fact if i am honest, coz I dont want to surround myself with retards. I dont care if ur a non-violent person at all normally, u have ur opinion about me and I wont change it, same goes for my opinion about u. Oh and edit: I dont care if u think i am ugly or w/e, since no one is perfect :)
In fact Netherlands Aza improved CF.
Well, because of him they have a massive-tick-box-for-spam or something.
If we are talking in your aspect not no
image: williamboyd

thats a fucking classic. i cant believe i missed it
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