Isreal Foul Play?

Quote by domiOther ETTV's had delay, except for yours. And why should we use that zero delay thingy? thats just lame if you cant win on a normal way, but hey after all your jewish.

Is this true? If so, what is Clanbase saying on the issue?

edit: As expected of Isreal, a response which vindicates them of all accusation:
Quotedomi ass hole
y u do dis?
Pathetic, lifeless nerd seeking attention.
Me or you?

That answer is up to you.
Ye its true
i hope there is going to be a rematch cause thats just retarded
thats not sure yet tbh.
btw shoutcaster was on 8bits server..

p.s. nor poor losers ;/
We haven't said anything to it, but who knows if they could have taken advantage off it.
you havent whined, but your friend sure did and not only about the delay issue.
As far as I can read he has only stated that it had no delay.
during the game ive seen quite enough hacking statements as well as racist comments.
andt domi is whining, maybe read it again :)
btw well played.
Hes only getting whined up by "TheDoor" like israel says "We have the right to defend ourselves"
They both are whining but as i can see domi has started it TheoDor is just a random retard tbh :)
It actually started with domi stating to remove the "Jew ETTV" (@ second map) and then TheDoor said " stfu u lost" (wich was after the game was finished.)

Started like that :o
I didnt start a fuck, seriously. that retard theodor started with insulting me n stuff, i just said Remove the jew ETTV, because it has 0 delay.
well it seems they did had a delay.
and i agree, theodor is a retard and a disgrace to the jewish kind.
Nope, the server had NO delay at all, You can ask Overboost + Eager about that.
well they are saying it wasnt tuned on the original server so it had double the delay. anyway as mens0 said its a common mistake and there wasnt a rematch till today so why the sudden change?
because we dont trust jews?
who does nowadays
Quoteduring the game ive seen quite enough hacking statements as well as racist comments.
andt domi is whining, maybe read it again :)
Wait what? racist comments, hacking statements? me whining during the match? wtf are you talking about?
thats in general didnt say you said all these things :X
domi isn't no he's dutch :P and dutchies are known to be bad losers.
speak for yourself
domi ass hole
:XDDD fucked up if its true
domi ass hole
Hi Meez, always taking a stand for the little guy...
Lets do a rematch!
even if its true, we played fair + we even told you to delete the jew ETTV if you believed we had a spy on venrilo with us.. you could of pause and ask for it, anyway.. it was a good game and to be honest we thought we will lose it but we even surprised ourselves :)
Who can truley know for sure u didn't?!
no one, I'm just saying.. you could ask for the admins to delete it, you said it once on supply I think and then I said go ahead or something and that's it you let it go.. so its kinda your fault but trust me, we played fair.. we were 6 on vent, its a private vent, I know you can't rely on my word but still, its not a reason to do a rematch cause you could ask for it and even if we had someone reporting to us.. it cant really be a major reason to our victory, go watch the replay, we weren't ready all the time for you..
Domi said it on Supply, but nothing happend.

Quote ag0n on 25/01/09, 23:11:40 PM | Reply

the problem is not the spawntime.. its more about "hey.. the eng is coming side...", "hey, now the engi is coming main.." .. etc
as I said, he said it once and let it go.. you could of pause and wait till the ETTV is removed.. and its not our problem that the ETTV had no delay, blame the Israeli community admin or something, he didn't set up the ETTV settings as he should.. or CB admins for not checking it out, don't know how it works.. anyway, we had nothing to do with the ETTV, we just the players.. and if there was no delay, how can we be sure you didn't use it urself cause as far as I know, none of us knew there was no delay on the Israeli ETTV till you said something about it and we said that you can delete it we don't care about it..
more progs than ventrilo to speak online!
nor lost -> whine expected
they have Domi, what did you expect..
The fact that we did not whine, makes its even funnier.
you lost in the middle of the game?
who cares.
i mean, just get some random guy on vent to join ettv and he can also give you exact spawntime at least after 30sec. and for other stuff, if you're comms are not utter crap there shouldn't be a huge advantage anyway and tbh some random guy who's not even playing telling me stuff on vent would rather annoy me.
i can't imagine that israel did this on purpose anyway. i guess unlike other ettvs who broadcast 23474237 matches a day like the andyf1 ettvs etc. i have never seen israel ettv's broadcasting other matches so their settings are maybe not like the others.
anyways, you can't punish team israel for it anyway, since the ettv / the host has probably nothing with team israel itself to do. it would be like kicking team germany in case a german ettv got no delay.
the problem is not the spawntime.. its more about "hey.. the eng is coming side...", "hey, now the engi is coming main.." .. etc
not possible
There's no way you'll beat Israel in a flamewar. Give it up.
You need to use gas if you want to win from the jews.
that suppose to be funny?
Nice, get brain (even if your reply is ironical)
extremely inappropriate.
Counting for ban
domi ass hole

2hs noob hahaha
dunZ Ben zona,

lan dodger.
lol 2 hs domi ::D:D
lol 0hs dunZ :D;d;D:D
:DD why are u taking this seriously
Why are you replying seriously on my smileys :DD:.dD:dD:D:D:
lol domi 2 hs at lan noob

always some silly little friendless freak trying to stir up the shit me thinks...
the drama is always afterwards o/
22:58 <[1]TheoDor> but unlike you europeans
22:58 <[1]TheoDor> we play fairplay (watch your ping debate)

Yeah, because almost every single one of you have been kicked for cheats :-DDDDD
Mabye and mabye because we won :P
maybe maybe?
ok, i understand you dont like jews.
but could you explain who got kicked for cheating?
I think israel has the highest player / kicked for cheat ratio, but then again I forgot that for jews there is only "jew" and "non-jewish".
you are talking bullshit.
you are the guy who says jew i didnt say jew anywhere, so please stop commenting like a child.
and check your facts again cause they are wrong.
Quoteok, i understand you dont like jews.

Which party is wrong if you exclude countries with less than 10 "active" players?
mhmmm k what ever you say cause you know best.
Please like it made a difference...
22:58 <[1]TheoDor> we play fairplay (watch your ping debate)
22:58 <[1]TheoDor> and rly unlike you we lost with respect

Its not us who picked out the server, it was picked by destiny if im right.
mUndUs gave me a few choices, I picked the best one for us, he said its no problem for you since you actually live in Europe and the server was in .NL, I dont care what server we will use since I have a "gamer's i-net package" so Ill get 98 stable all over Europe but for players like wAffle and Ranje that dont have it, the ping will be 150 or something.. and it was, on the other servers mUndUs offered us.. so.. sorry about that, the server did suck a bit :(
Im not flaming you, im flaming theodor who is assuming that we picked the server because you are no europeans, im just pointing him out ( once again) that its not us who picked the server but some1 from their own team.
it looks like you do but anyway, it was a great game we really thought we will lose it.. :D when I took the west parts at radar pliss yelled GO GO GO and I thought you have like 3 guys at the truck and it turns out it was clear, then we all yelled at comms :D <3
Though it said Isreal Foreplay
QuoteTheoDor Sunday, 25th January 2009 21:50

i was on israeli lan :~>
and our admin set the delay itself !

you europeans not only not playing fair play with the pings issues, you also cant lose with respect


at least he admits that they are fucking not in europe.
we are european
we are not IN Europe but we count as Europeans
no you aren't. how the hell did you come up with that?
we participate in all European competitions without a problem (not only in gaming) and we count as Europeans tho we don't actually live IN Europe..
the only reason u participate in european competitions is because u feel more european than asian and simply because no neighbour around u likes u to participate in their competition. but feeling european =/= be european.

oh this will save me some more reply's maybe :
as if it would matter anyway... maybe spawntimes...
I didnt watch the match but for everyone saying a live ETTV spec is not an advantage, get a clue!
totally agree.

pumu got also kicked by admins while a GER vs CH NCwar if Iam not mistaken, so that they let spec a plenty of people live is just ridiculous.
In the era of wallhacks and aimbots, knowing enemies' positions thanks having 20 specs on a no-delay ETTV became obsolete.
If they actually really used a live ETTV without any delay this match has to replayed cause there is no way youll ever be able to proove you didnt use them.
whos to say norway didnt use it instead
who was the first one to comment its live
Well said, I was on NOR vent telling them everything, bloody noobs.
overboost (afaik) was in their vent channel when he joined ettv server and noticed it
so why they whine about us, we didn't know about it till they said so, as far as we know, overboost gave them infos about us.. (I know he didn't but still, thats what they are accusing us for..)
Feel free to check #dnan logs! but seriously, we are not accusing any1 here, you guys just assume that because i said 2/3 times that the jew ETTV has no delay.
As lettu said, the ETTV was isareli but who said its have something with the players? our community leader set it up, if some germany gaming will make ETTV server without delay at ger game, who said its the ger team's fault?

soz for eng
Quotethe ETTV was isareli but who said its have something with the players
Nobody said that.
ok u right soz, u may request a rematch anyway
I dont think thats possible, and i dont see why we should do that, it will only fuck up the last "honour" we got.
Well its your call.. i know the players and the israeli team personaly, they wouldnt use that shit, but you right, thats not fair, but plz dont answer all those arguements, there are only 2 sides - israeli supporters and norway supporters, no winners.. ask the admins
REMATCH vikings are way cooler than jews.
isr would have bashed nor anyway, pointless debate.
It's just a game. Grow up, kids.
destiny hacks thats it
they dont need a 0 delay ettv stuff !! since they use bots
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