personal question for you

its a nice day outside... the sun is kinda shining. and this light is making me get memories of something. feels good.

how is it where u r?

UK England Midlands.
Boring gray day, they even said so in the weather forecast on the telly. To add up, I am still a bit sick :-/

Denmark CPH, Winland
A gray day ( once again) about 50cm snow outside

NOR tønsberg!
Verloren tegen israel, pfffffffffffffffffffffffft
tjah, heb zo veel mogelijk gedaan!
Verloren tegen Estland pfffttt en dan ook nog eens verliezen tegen verSatile, sjonge sjon...oh wacht, dat laatste is ook niet gunstig voor mij :<
we staan nog steeds eerste in de groep tssssssssssssssssssss

1° and snowing. looks..umm..."decent", would be perfect, if it'd be slightly colder :)
Fucking raining, sun was shining the whole week end ;_;
Pretty much the same as you

United Kingdom Ipswich !
Sun and not cold here at Portugal. Bad day though. I have a exam at 14:00 and im kinda fuckedup (and nervous!) gl for me!
sunny and lovely :)
Wales Pretty cold and looks like it's going to rain. Currently 995 HPA 60% hygro Anonymous
says the weatherman :D
Got my own weather station =]
do the raindance!
snow (yellow and dirty).
0'C and cloudy.

Slo. Ljubljana
+3°C, pretty sunny, still a few patches of snow on the ground.

Poland Lower Silesia
beautiful steelblue sky, wind blows a bit, and a bit cold... jupikayey

southeast poland
sun is shining at this moment, but there will be more clouds soon probably.

hmm or not?
image: short_term_vandaag_2009_dag

Netherlands Veenendaal
2°C, lot of fog, cloudy
what sun?
sun is shining outside, no snow anymore :/ east germany
-1°, can't see the 235m tall TV tower that's only 100m away from me :P
it's not like you could see it on a clear day either
/seta cg_wolfparticles "0"

-12:03:06- -SieWi:#otokyla- Tie 4; Oulu, Intiö @ 11:06: -5.7°C, road is possibly slippery.
Beautiful shiny day, just like yesteday... even if this shine lasts from 10 AM to only 14 PM, its very comfortable...

Hungary Hungary, Budapest
it rains
2°C, it sleets, cloudy sky
RussiaRussia, Saint-Petersburg
Petersburg n1 city <3 big roads O_O
It must be a very unique day in england....
Slightly overcast but remains mild, highs of 6 °C - Yorkshire, UK

Back to banality, lucky euros... :)
1 °C, there are some clouds, there is some sunshine, there is everything you want.
Belgium Belgium, Antwerp, Oud-Turnhout:
sunny, little bit cloudy, +5°C
Austria Austria, Feuersbrunn
Wouldn't know - exams :<
cold wind, sunny
Germany Solingen
grey, snow , +1

Estonia Estonia , Haapsalu
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