stop whore

this teacher is so fucking annyoing omfg.

can't listent to her anymore. she talks about 1 thing 3 hours.. reapting her self all the fucking time..

i would like to stand up and just send her to fucking hell. i am like S.T.F.U nub



edit2: its 12:53. its hard. i barrely breath,.. still 45 mins till end.. dunno if i will be alive when this hell ends.

edit3: 12:58. its getting harder every minute. need water. she is watching me. she knows something. i dunno. i won't give up (i hope)

edit4: 13:03. g.t.f.o fucking hyperactive whore

edit5: 13:07 what is happening. i am starting to think about suicide.

edit6: 13:10.. /kill . wtf its not wroking . /kill;forcetapout .. omg ear cancer. shut it whore
Take your laptop, download ventrilo. wait till im home and come ventrilo, ill do it for you!
:< i am getting fucking ear cancer
I know the feeling im on ventrilo with PolandAllir almost every day.. he even tries to sing !!!!!!!!
Repetitio mater studiorum est, or something like that.
whats she talking about?
and dude thats school :D but its not better at university... :<
Easier to skip :p
yeah ok thats true :D ... guess what im doing right now :D
discipline. over and over again !!!
I had 2 hours of german today... he told us what to do in our essay... 2 hours long. we didnt even had the chance to start writing... he wants to have it back tomorow (GTFO!)
hahaha :D
Had a teacher who was the same, he was always using "fill words" like "ja" "eben hier" in every motherfucking sentence.
Me and my two best mates at the time got into trouble with the direction cause we made fun of him :)
i miss my school time somehow...
Yeah this semester I had a professor that was supposed to teach me ecology but she had like absolutely no expression in her voice. Honestly windows speech synthesizer is a professional actor in comparison to her, just monotonous voice talking about some bullshit all the way... I managed to listen to two of her lectures, skipped all the rest because it was just pointless. Now I pray for a good result of the exam of that subject :X
my estonian teacher is like that. i havn't been to her class in ages, that bitch has some magical fucking powers that slow down time. being in her class for 2 hours feels like a whole day. she talks about the most boring shit ever related to whatever else she was talking about and drifts off topic (which would be fine if she wasnt so god damn boring)
Kill her
at least u have internet access :$
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