What do you miss most in ET?

The game and the community is obviously not the same as it used to be. Yes, the game is still going strong but the community is quite small which I guess is why so many people are looking forward to RTCW2.

But what do you miss most?

I miss the days in noob clans where you used to have your own little forum and everybody in your team used to post on it. Was just nice to look at something when you're bored :(
gtfo oldfag
the motivation
active 6on6 ladder 8<
watching epic matches @ ettv with both teams well trained & motivated to win :'(
and those noobclans you're talking about still exist xD
the times when cheaters werent 50% of the community :P
True about these forums :)
when 50 man xpsave servers with maps like saberpeak were fun
saberpeak > *
[N e X u S] 3 :D
server has gay maps
yeah standart goldrush, oasis, battery, railgun, radar and a random custommap :D

but rocks!!1
gods inc!
loooove kimble!!!!
activity, more pubservers with less slots then 20 for the fun!

okay i miss sheep and co. 141, old teams. exciting ettv matches, fun at vent n stuff

and sometimes a pub with 8 slots for fun! :o
Parent eLemenT'Headshot

10 slots. :< I cant offer any less slots. :(
hs only... :/
thats the part why im not there. i play sometimes on fragland but uum too much ppl for lil maps on there imo
Especially if some admins are on it, I know... But for me it's quiet funny because you can shoot your rifle anywhere and it still hits because its so crowded. :D

Have you ever tried that headshot server? It's rly fun if you get into it...but I guess thats not for everyone.
schnee got kicked cause they thought shes hacking :<
No, because I wanted to have the rifle. ;)
rifle on headshot server? :< fail... i mean if you have it its like no use you dont do headshots :D
You dont do it, I do. :)
Activity. we play every1 2 times a week cause there are no other teams searching :<
and activity in ladders and activity in 6on6 cups :/ 1 a month look at 3on3 like 4 a day... and top teams praccing : / i remember a time when dignitas, ocrana and many more where also searching in 6on6.et or atleast trained with people they made a train up with... nowadays its just like who trained less and got the better day :x
ohh yes and ofc activity.

and maybe the point were not half the "med+" community part was busted atleast twice...

the time when people with a 2 week guid had that because they were only playing for two weeks and not cause they had to change their guid again lol'd...
battery, oasis, prone, 20 second soldier chargetime!
Quoteclans where you used to have your own little forum and everybody in your team used to post on it. Was just nice to look at something when you're bored :(

our clan still has this :D but i wouldn't call us noobs
Pre-match build up + shoutcasting + ETTV
people i played with old times and activity, but the most I miss is the fact when someone owned me i knew who he is.. now most of them havent been on yawn yet and some years ago it was harder to become 'highskilled' after 1 year of playing.. or even less.
I remember it was possible to find 3v3 official game after midnight, now got problem with any 3v3 on that time (3 officials streak after midnight with different opponents! I liked it:P)
The people in which I played with, the TS/Vent convos and the random wars. Also I miss the random 2 week clans we used to make, and the early hours of the morning spent playing ET. I remember playing ET with my e-buddies and it was so fucking fun, makes me wonna cry because i had such a good time, now its shit :(.
Activity, 2 years ago you could get a game every evening against the top clan you wanted to bash the most, now it's just masculine mans searching every day :(
hahahah masculine_NERD_mans I rly lolled :D
play hard go pro, be like masculine_mans
we will never be as pro as anime club
some day... some day...
The old times and all of the things that include. I'm having fun now though, in CoD4, when we play clan matches in TKB. Pubbing in CoD4 is so boring and cannot be compared to ET; you could do so much shit on pubs in ET, to have fun. I really miss the creativity of map makers in ET, the endless loads of fun on Northpole and maps like that... there's just nothing like it in CoD4 :(
hah i remember playing some pcw against ALIS, when me and my mates where still liek low-... ow god it was fun to loose against well known clan :D
We had fun in ALIS too, the countless of times we've laughed our asses off, when someone did something completely stupid.
I want ching chang chong back :(
Connecting in public clanservers and asking for a scrim.
hah & having everyone kicked so you could play on that same server :)
nade, arty and support hitsounds
Like alot of others playing random nub custom maps on big pubs and my very first clan [AE] American Elite :<
old good days on 2.55
When playing public was fun and some of my real life friends were playing it ! :(
i miss some retired gamers<3 :(
We both know you miss me =) that's why you're pmming me everyday to join your mASCULINE clan..
I miss the old public days in a Maltaserver + forums fights between clans ... ehh those where the days.
oasis, battery, hitsounds for every weapons, constant fps, maps being played 20 mins, good old maps, xp upgrades, activity, new, good movies every week
xp upgrades omaigoat need level 3 fops !!!!!
level 1 was already enough x)
for nade spam yes... but not for uber strikes!
old prone ? =P
Mature players
all good players went inactive
cant feel that "omg we are playing against parodia !!" feeling anymore :/
thats cause those who are playing on top nowadays dont pracc that much anymore see other comments :< "activity" being the keyword!
jeh same opinion, didnt want to use that word again here :(
i remember the time on Skynet server
when I played 1 map and had 1 Medic "star" 1 battle sens "starr" and 1 Light weapons "Star" i was playing AWESOME !
Skynet servers good times :D
efterlyst ftw. :< when there were still dksy and dignitas (old) players around...
+10, i miss this server :<
I miss the days, where every clan had 20+ members and every clan had his own public server.
I miss the days, where hunkjump-maps were always full of jumpers.
I miss the days, where goq was always fuel with "only german speaking" players.
its full not fuel ... i was like wtfomaigoatwhatshetalkingaboutploxbutthenigotit!
missing the same`?
kind of just look around for the wombat youll see i miss everything! :<
yeahiwaslikewtfididntunderstandwhatusaidbutafteristilldidntgeturpoint :D
ololololreplynoobrepliedtohisowncommentlolnowilaughoutloudatyourize! :D

e: lol you didnt but you replied to the wrong one :<
lolololllololollooooololireplayedtotherightoneomgomgoooomg!!! xD
I miss the days when there was a fair amount of respect towards each other.
I miss the days that cheaters were rare.
I miss the days that I played lots of ET
dont get sentimental now :< <3
I am sentimental, especially when it comes to things I love </3
then you shall have my permission to get emo. :XD
dont expect me to hug you now pls. :D
only if you have a pink skirt ;-)
we r getting old :(
I miss the time when no one made posts about "ET being dead" n stuff...

we got even more teams now than ever before tbh
i miss actually having the hunger to play this game
etmain actually :XD
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