World of Goo

anybody plays? I haven't enjoyed a game that much since ET came out. Basically, all you have to do is to get goo's to the pipe (quite like Lemmings yet different).

Best game of 2009

Discuss :D

EDIT: Need a screenshot how to clear 'Ode to the bridge builder' level. I skipped it but I'd like to see if it's easy and I'm just a dumb fuck.
It is a wonderful little game :D
dling mom i'll check it out ^^
Had it 2 months ago already, is quite nice :P
You should have written about it 2 months ago then.
Perfect for uni!
indeed :DD

very nice game i must say!!

looking forward for World of Goo 2!!!!! lal
i dissagree :D
give me the full version :(
buy it! (or torrents if you are a thief!!!)
I'm a jew, *brb torrent hunting* :D
world of goo - where do i deposit my load ?
finished at chapter 3 "inceneration destination" :(
looks cool
the graphic reminds me of yoshis island for the snes
bridge builder > *
lol nice :]
it's great idd.
BRAID >>> world of goo
too hard to me :=(
Nice nice :)
finished it a month ago, fucking nice game
yes its funny, and indeed perfect for at school
i played it, didnt see why everyone is praising it
I just finished:))
my score +65 first try
i'm actually listening to one of world of goo songs right now called tumbler
ya I did paly it trough.
very nice game, worth of money =)
i love(d) it
owns on wii ^^
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