Cleaning my mx510

Did anyone else notice that logitech uses some weird coating on the black plastic on the mx510?

Well, when this coating gets old, it gets sticky and very very disgusting. So I've now tried using some dishwashing thingy on a sponge, and it got rid of most of the disgusting layer, but it's still 'moist' :(

How do I get this shiat off?
QuoteOldSchool ETQW player, Played all the beta's!, atm waiting for the complete game.

so how's that awesome game?
oh i see what you did there
your wait is over download promod and gogog!
Maybe try to neutralize it with sperm or poo.
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dats for ninja karateh :(
you can apply that everywhere, in his case it's scrub on, scrub off :D
i should use it to train my headshot on|off skill then :)
aimkey on, aimkey off? :D
srsly just scratch it off if you don't like it. rub the edges with your fingernail and it will start coming off
But imo having no coating sux hard ;(
I did that to my deathadder :X
lolo I vice versa used some solvent which fucking destroys plastic to make DA's rear sides less glossy, more matt-like.
coz that satin plastic sux hard when your hands become wet :E
I tried every solvent I could find here, but nothing worked. My DA looks like it suffers from aids now, but at least you can hold it properly :>
imo the rubber coating was nice once your hands got sweaty. It really sucked when your hand were dry and clean!
try to scrape it off with a knife or needle
too dangerous! Don't try this at home, snpi0z is a pr0!
cu heut abend vllt ;D
wie viele mercs hat die scheiß palz eigentlich?
nur einen superduper merc! aber ich schaue wohl sowieso das spiel,
warum du eigentlich nicht, bist doch bayernfan :p
vaterland > fußball

außerdem is der war eh schnell rum, kann ich 2. halbzeit kucken
naja für mich spielt das vaterland sozusagen :D
try using guitar pick
Alcohol on a cotton bud and rub it off that will work.
I see what you mean... Hadn't even noticed before, now it bothers me!
Quotebut it's still 'moist

moist is good, i like moist ;)
use the mouse cord and tie it to some light fixture, then spray it with a hose. works for the deathadder
do NOT use aceton
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