wish me gool duck

cause i have an exam today and i know nothing at all x[
GL! I have mine first exam this semester tomorrow, but that will be (at least I hope that it will be so) the easiest one, so I'm in a much better position for now.

But then there are coming 3 exams out of which 2 are fuckin impossible to pass for me at first attemp. And the 2nd one will be @ march and if I will fail then I will be kicked out so I prolly know what you feel :(
gool duck
i have 1 test today, 2 on thursday and from the next tuesday 5 exams day by a day -.- no idea how could i pass it -.-
Same here, reading some texts now to have at least some sort of chance at getting a decent mark!
same here, 3rd semester sucks hard.
test over here, mind is pretty empty. :)
gool duck =)
Felt the same yesterday. Decided to egoquit in the midle of exam because i was wasting my time for nothing. nP anyway since i have this exam again next week so :). Now i have to study for the friday one :'(
gool duck!
good like m8
try 2 bribe the teacher :]
I have an exam Tuesday next week and one on Friday next week. Don't know much yet, but I'm gonna change that somehow :P
i know how you can change that, pm cuttyP
same here, didn't go, hopeless anyway, not wasting any time
Dude, you are in Russia, just pay 4 dollars and you will pass anything you want.
You want € nowadays? Understandable.
if u don't live in Russia,stop stating bullshit facts.
average price for an exam is 400 euro & it's higher @ prestigious universities.
Sir, little bit humor ty. Please don´t invade our country, I beg you :(
gool duck!
Same here, though my exam starts @ 18.00 :S
u dont need gool duck
if you havent learnt your pretty much fucked
You gotta be the master of cheering people up :D
naahh...i'm just kidding....youll be fine :DDDD
mine starts in 45 minutes... smth like technical language (eng)
eg. question: definition of gear - describe, classification, application Oo
Gonna Fail...

HAHAHAH passed ;D
my questnion: benefits from iso standards, and different means of transport xDDDDDD
ego quited after two attempts to get lucky paper with questions :[
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