need English help!! (NL)

Hi guys, tomorrow I have my english exam but I need you to explain me some words or translate them in dutch!

Vertaal ze in het nederlands manne!!

to sound out
a performance review
a walk-out
severance package
to be cast in the same mould
to outnumber
lean manufacturing

2 hard 4 me
that's greek to me
vb: They were outnumbered

ze waren met veel minder:D?
ja zoeits. maar kan niet op het goeie woord komen :D
ze waren in de minderheid?
nouja ik weet wel wat to outnumber betekent maar hoe je het uitlegt .. xd. a performance review, een klasse review? k gloof dat review gwn ingeburgerd is :D

to sound out = correct uitspreken
performance review = recensie van een uitvoering
walk-out = een staking
to be cast in the same mould = ik denk in hetzelfde vakje gestopt worden
to outnumber = overtreffen?

de rest ken ik nie

hopelijk helpt dit
overtreffen is een goeie :] en k denk dat je #² niet goed heb
performance review kan ofwel een recensie zijn ofwel een beoordeling van je eigen prestaties. in de context denk ik eerder het eerste
k dikke mercikes man :)
np, en veel succes met je examen :)
sup, unbanned? :DDD
wow too lazy to use google?

to sound out - in the terms of saying a word? in which you try to combine the syllables to create a word, in which most cases you haven't said before?

performance review - im sure this is pretty obvious at a job you are evaluated for your performance and given a score depending on the system they have set up and have potential benefits if you do well, and if you do poorly you could potentially get fired

A severance package is pay and benefits an employee receives when they leave employment at a company. In addition to the employee's remaining regular pay, it may include some of the following:

* An additional payment based on months of service
* Payment for unused vacation time or sick leave.
* A payment in lieu of a required notice period.
* Medical, dental or life insurance
* Retirement (e.g., 401K) benefits
* Stock options
* Assistance in searching for new work, such as access to employment services or help in producing a résumé.

to outnumber - as in the simplest terms? how about Et players to QW players

to be cast in the same mould - it's a saying, like "charlie is to be cast in the same mould as his father" means that it's very similar or alike

Lean manufacturing or lean production, which is often known simply as "Lean", is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. In a more basic term, More value with less work. Lean manufacturing is a generic process management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production System (TPS) (hence the term Toyotism is also prevalent) and identified as "Lean" only in the 1990s[1]. It is renowned for its focus on reduction of the original Toyota seven wastes in order to improve overall customer value, but there are varying perspectives on how this is best achieved. The steady growth of Toyota, from a small company to the world's largest automaker,[2] has focused attention on how it has achieved this.

Clicks and mortar (sometimes seen as clicks-and-mortar) is a term describing traditional old economy companies that are taking advantage of the Internet and the new economy it has introduced. The term derives from bricks and mortar, used in the context of the Web to describe traditional companies with physical (rather than Web site) locations. In the news media, the success of Internet companies like, the online bookstore, led to a comparison with traditional bricks and mortar businesses such as Barnes and Noble (which at some point added a competitive Web site and became an example of clicks and mortar.)
to sound out - uitspreken
a performance review - resultaten evalueren
a walk-out - staken
severance package - ontslagvergoeding
to be cast in the same mould - over 1 kam scheren (?)
to outnumber - overtreffen
lean manufacturing - ?
clicks-and-mortar -
lazy and stupid people are lazy and stupid.
I'll give you one of them
good luck in your exam.

to be cast in the same mould - ik hoop dat je aan kanker sterft
what about get some in real life friends and stop sitting 24/24 on the internet?
to sound out <-- wtf u Mary Poppins?
a performance review <-- prono wtf?
a walk-out <-- didnt enjoy yer meal?
severance package <-- like in Seven with the head in a box?
to be cast in the same mould <-- wow a normal phrase
to outnumber <-- wow a normal phrase
lean manufacturing <-- u manufacture stoned ppl?
clicks-and-mortar <-- liek someone who is a brick-layer AND an IT guy?
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