ET and Vistaaa

I bought a new laptop and i want to play ET on it. After a reinstall (because the game freezed at loadscreen) it got even worse. Now, every time i turn my computer on again, i get this error when loading ET: ET.exe has stopped working.

The only solution is to reinstall and then play. When i turn my laptop off/on the error comes back.

Help. It is getting annoying allready

I have tryed googeling but no fix yet.

(also Live messenger does not work sometimes and every time Vista loads i get this error: xx:xx is an nvalid time! and then i have to end a progress called: gbsv.exe or win.exe)
that sux >_<
run as administrator right mouse clikc --> run as adminstrator
1. Set compatability mode for XP
2. Run as admin
3. Turn off DEP for ET (google data execution prevention if you don't know what DEP is)
4. Download manual PB update and update:

5. None of these working? Try this:
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC (opens task manager in Vista), select processes and then kill all the processes that you know you won't need while playing et. Several programs can interfere with the functionality of ET.

(6. Check if you have updated ET correctly to 2.60b and if Vista has all its updates. You should also check your graphic card drivers, for if you have outdated opengl drivers you might get errors.)

I'm done. Following one or all of these steps has always made ET work for me in Vista.
i love people that post like this and actually help people out :) <333333
I love you too <3 :)
thanks alot man
Any of this working? I'm curious :P
Isn't DEP set for windows services only by default ?
if i click on ETDED i get this:

4878 files in pk3 files
WARNING: found for profile 'ETUI' - system settings will revert to defaults
execing default.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
execing profiles/ETUI/etconfig.cfg
r_smp is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_stencilbits is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_stereo is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_clampToEdge is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_texture_env_add is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_nv_fogdist_mode is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_NV_fog_dist is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ati_fsaa_samples is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ati_truform_pointmode is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ati_truform_normalmode is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ati_truform_tess is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_ATI_pntriangles is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_glIgnoreWicked3D is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_multitexture is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_gamma_control is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_glDriver is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_allowextensions is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_depthbits is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_colorbits is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_texturebits is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_mode is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_compressed_textures is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic is unsafe. Check com_crashed.
execing autoexec.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III
Go under the tutorials tab, theres a post about running ET and Vista.
Easiest solution, format and install XP but go ahead and try what you want-
XP gave me instable shit
i got problems with just doesnt recognise my mic
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