First clanwars in et?

who remembers clanwars on boomtown public?

4x 30 min fullhold oasis / fueldump without pauses, with 3 rifles, 2 soldiers
that was nice! (2003?)


that was for me :P and you?
not ;DDD + i dont remember
why wnb if he started playing in 2003?
I remember my first clanwar against "Armia Krajowa", like in December 2004, we played oasis/gold and there were 4 fullholds :D the only 4 fullholds in my ET career :P was a nice game
played with my pub clan vs =smp= on cybergames i think. then suddenly maus connected and started playing for my team and totaly owned this (this realy happened btw:P)
i remember my first war with the phantom phreaks [TPP] vs the wolfs:D

we played north africa campaign as axis :D HAHA
ermm cant remember who it was against, but i remember first time was in SMP clan = suck my ping and it was something like me, ross, x3mystery, zapp, maxpain and others :)
what was your smp nickname?:O u know if any of those guys except for ross ever went to play etpro?
my smp nick was lSMPl Jake

maxpain plays for team usa i think

not sure about others, but here lots of players i used to play with:
mmm i think i remember u abit :) but those guys were all pretty good (well better then ross at that time i think and ross plays ec now).
yeah alot of them were fuckin ownage, i mean i thought they was like world ranking #1 at the time like 4-5 years ago lol
yeah they were by far the best players i knew, at that moment :P but i dont remember who was the best of them all, maybe max or x3mystery:P u had 1 green letter in your name right?
probs mAx or zapp there aim was amazing lol, i used so many different colours i cant even remember haha :)

uk pot even said to me the other day (i remember you under jake ages ago) you was a little noob back then

holy crap, those are some names i havent heard in a long long time :) used to play with them in some publics and i always looked up to them because they owned really hard :P good memories
yeah, they were really good, i mean that guy zapp was just amazing, Spectre, zero, SchnicklFritz,x3Myst3ry, maxpain, scarface were all pretty amazing.
gotta ask you, did you happen to play here? It used to be called Shit Storm Extreme back in the day, it was one of the most active ET servers at one point, top 5 i'd dare to say. Lot of the people you named used to play with me there but i cant seem to remember you.
yes actually i did, omg shit storm, it was so packed i used to get like 20fps on that server haha
i used to go to it sometimes, but not to often, jaymod daays were the funniest days of ET
lol i used to play there and be on their ts all the time.

you that that scottish guy Raynor who was to this day the best mortar i have ever seen.

few decent yanks as well.

and another obscure one, some guy called Riddler used to play there (but he spelt it weird with liek loads of ?) and he used to connect and just fuck that server like a bitch.
Used to play there! i reckon most ET players probalby did at one point, always packed!
[T-F] vs BdF (teen fraggers vs badd daddy fukkaz)

We tried a stack and planted on the back of the guns of oasis but lost. Then I left and joined BdF.

I think it was late 2003.
First war was with Doctor clan, Dr|Loazis at 2.55. Played Oasis, was sweating like crazy :D
My first war would be TLR/aim vs F2k
Hehe, I don't know vs. who mine was, remember playing Aim alot though at the start

EDIT: I know Sneaky, Smoothhh and Weasel were playing at least. I can remember Tiabo, Supra, hmm, wasnt there some guy named revo with a high voice or something :D
Yeah, I remember all those names as well...something like mango too? :P

All my team members names can just be found back in mah profile !
i remember playing you, back in the day :DD
sigh I remember dr as our pro jaymod opponents :D
nope :<
first 1 i remember was vs (CAN) with wesbo the proner :D!
as i was thinking about it, it was far from the first but thats all i can remember from that time...
ah shit, (CAN) was back in the days :D
Wesbo, BaZZ and joop! Wooooo
was danskerkill also playing there ? xD btw (CAN) were my hero's :D
Dasnkerkill was playing a few months later.
rofl always shouting at him for being an idiot and a noob :(
:D haha that were some times man :P rofl also in xf xtreme fraggers :D you guys were pwning me all day long
I still do.. I still do..
in your dreams yeah!
yep it was awesome, everything seems lame now if i think of it, but it gave me very much fun ;]]]]]
[*EU*] vs [sk] 1-1, we lost goldrush, oasis- after 5 mins they had wall + south gun. Rest 25 mins we held them on north with best teamplay ever and despite the fact that they planted north +10 times, we were always defusing! We raped them in 8 mins on attack and 1-1 finished my first and best clanwar ever <333
That was a great time, when every match was really PLAYED1!!

Now its like adlernest/frostbite both 2min max and war is over in 10 minutes. Amazing.

Just last week, i had an official, where we made both maps in 2 mins (et_ice/b4) and whole war ws big like really 10 minutes. We were more waiting on server for rup like playing.
w00ts funny about that? Just check teh almighty mappoll from CB

------------------- all maps can be done in 1 minute

+ 2 most overplayed maps in ET history


2v2 against some random clan. Played with Stefke!

Goldrush (original) and Oasis.
vip vs frags and tactics

oasis 6o6
failed to stack :'(
still miss the guys that were in vip with me they were legends :'(
also VoK the second team were awesome guys too. good times ... good times -_-
WW (werwoelfe) vs. GMC or Cobra dunno anymore.
Maps could have been fueldump and oasis...

although im not playing anymore,i have to say that i miss those times and those exciting maps/wars :(
DarkSteel (one-match team xDDDDDDD) vs. the.freaKz on some public server, wasn't finished :P sad that I didn't know how to record the demo... would be funny to watch it now xD

my first finished war was DeToX Clan vs. the.freaKz, lost 0:6 :P
Was a 3on3 where I played with 2 rl mates (we named ourselfs Sex Guns out of obvious reasons ;) , against the clan of another rl friend, RoXor (my-r) . We played grush with pf and rifle. After the match we joind them and formed a second squad. The only thing I don't remember at all is if we won or lost, which isn't much of a wonder considering that this lies about 4 or 5 years back.
LOL my-r was my 2nd war in my life :D Do you remember SoD ? Check my comment under!
of course^^
oasis 8D my favorite map old days
KKC vs Wu, 3v3 Oasis.
Fueldump was always our homemap, we got superior tax there !
fuel was great, but I played this map only as a cops :P this 'defined' my whole gamestyle as a noob-camper xDDD
We'd have owned you!! :D:D:D

image: ssartycs9
probably yeah, back in the day we were something like low+, but on fueldump we owned even some med+ teams :D
first was for =SAW= i think, with potty and co.

first one i remember is when i joined their most hated rivals (seriously these two clans fuckin hated each other) =EWS= (Elite War Soldiers :D) lu was like Tleixalu, sNiFF, Sweepz, me, P|ng, ReDs
first clan was THC, don't remember much about the first war :P

The first official map I remember playing was North Pole xD
4on4 with 'The Sir Clan' against *Hellas* on Fueldump with public config. We lost. :'(
<3 The Sir Clan
Parent <-- my first clan, I was the leader. In the "háborúk" menu you can see 3 wars only.

As you can see my first war was a "practiceWar" maps were goldruh and radar against TPM. We lost :) (2004 02 25 21:00!!!)

Usually when we played together the whine on TS was the loudest you can imagine : ))) Cant really remember what was that serious to shout anyway :D

EDIT: Oh wait I just checked the news section and my first war was 2004 januar 2 againt TBK (was a hungarian clan).. :o
Hey whats the pass for RadarAxis, might be something funny inside :D
LOL I dont know , that was our secret tactic !
Is it possible to unlock that ?
bruteforce? Dunno if it works though.
I think that would take years to figure it out :)
Dunno how long the pw was
My first clanwar ever was somewhere back in 2003 against the almighty KKP, we couldn't get out of the allied starting spawn in radar. :><:<>
First prac was with Flame-Guards (wasser,neme,m2ts,blackened,soits, bitbeast) against some random clan, found out what was selfkilling before spawn :D
goldrush/oasis 30min timelimit, all xp levels, no hitsounds, no tactics
getting fullheld at gr tank for 20 minutes
streamarena > all
3on3 with dsnt and crea in 2005

beach + ice with 0/20 stats!!
Somewhere around Februari / March 2005 with Circle of Trust ( CoT ) vs Dutchbat. 12 v 12 :p.
somewhere in the end of 2005, wasn't even a proper war cause the map we played was that stargate map :DD i can remember we won that tho :DD
Don't remember exactly the first one, but one of the first was with Final Vendetta vs. 2fast. We also played oasis.
2x oasis with some yank-clan called -Sic-, i think.
I think my first war was with Germany SoH (Soldiers of Hell) against Germany ce (critical error). They had tactics and a fucking mg42 everywhere! We lost. :(

Our lineup was Germany Sal, Germany blab/roOm/wuffie, Switzerland k!lltec, Germany koni, Germany opa, Germany oma

btw, Germany opa was the father of Germany oma.

with [cow] vs rock and map was oasis, it was great times, i even played from a internet cafe with 2 mates since we didn't have own pc's : DDDDDDDDDD
and we were playing with h3lls!ng no identity misery pure shadow i guess and there was someone else can't remember any more
[OKL] vs (-Dk-) or <ett>
cant remember we got raped by immense a few times too,tbh
I have demo from my first clanwar, oasis 30 min on wifi 64/64 not much fun xD
2003 summer. goldrush fullholds were nice :D
normaly a cw lasted about 1,5 hours, sometimes even more than 2 :)

damn. time goes so fast :S
i just realized that i started to play rtcw like 7,5 years ago ...
those times were nice. when you were attacking and looked at the timer which said 25:00 left, and thought: aaah we got plenty of time left :)
it was 30 or 35min imo , in some maps
round limit was 30 on every map if i remember correctly. maybe there were some custom maps with higher limits.
back in 2005 i guess, we ( <{k}> ), were pwning some clan called [BR] on oasis :P
ORC ofc !
Doe eens normaal..
wat dan? mijn eerste war was met ORC.. =(
My first clanwar was the EC final.
Doe eens normaal..
First was TL (Taking Life) Vs F2K or MeD , can't remember which one was first :D
my first war was with Silversurfer (sil) and Jeff Jones Jefferson on TC-base vs some random team we lost:<
u guess it was this one
Clan Squad Name PARAZIT CLAN
Opponent Tag [FoPND]
Result Won
guess it was about 4 years ago, jaymod .55 hopping from jaymod server to jaymod server to find a war and then war at jaymod :D
I remember mine first like yesterday! It was 2004 i think :O

I played in team [S.W.A.T.]etpub team (Our lineup was something like Me, noedel(?), hVk(?), Bigsmoke(?), Kape and someone else dont remember tbh :D

And we played against some other pubteam and raped them! it was 5v5 or 6v6 if im right
karvapallon swat?
öö wat? :d
First war I ever played was in early 2004. 3on3 with BSP (my clan at the time) against HFC. We both always played on the same public server (Herr Flick public or something, hosted by Herr flick (who would have guessed)) and decided to play each other to see who had the best players. The game didnt take that long however since after half a map most didnt feel like playing any more and we just reconnected to the public. :D
First match I ever played on ET was ardent (me, Juhan, mystic, Powah, xes, indom I think) vs. broken on tc_base. We won pretty easily even though they had been playing for awhile already. [/pro]
modest as always
With spooks vs mTw we pwned them hard. =)
:D didn't mTw play rtcw for only a brief period ? and wasn't their rtcw line-up their cs1.3 line-up too ?
First RTCW wars> first ET wars kkk


wef=wolfenstein ELITE force! KOWABONGA1111 <('0')>

nP i was a captain in 2k1 LOLED

my first ET war, was most likely with Pillars, we raged every team untill hacks started coming really soon
1st time i played et online(@ fev 2005) was at a clanwar (more like a mix but wtv) with old Portugal mindless/eVolution clan (roX, veggie, proxie, mno, d0g and me) against some Europe guys. Cant remember if i won or lost :X
Knowing your skill now id say you lost 8)
Depends. Remember, one player doesn't make the team.. Those guys i spoke about were playing oc 1st div i think (means they werent that bad), but i clearly remember i was playing smg eng at defence, building some mg's at oasis lololol and camping like a retard (lots of time at same place).

And yes, i admit, im a bad player :< Never knew how to aim
i loved the double fullholds at oasis! (and the final of ec where elps didnt do shit for the entire map)

1st offi. /|B. vs. *NOB* Mrcine ! (we won ddddddddddddddddddddddddddd)
Depends how you're defining war :p we used to stack one side of our pub server & rape the public with TMA (clan had at least 30 of us in there), thought we where amazing until we actually played our first real scrim 'n didn't get out of spawn! Mental on coms setting our first ever map time a few weeks later!

NeT & RAW the only teams we could beat!
owned Malta mepa in 3o3 early 04!
On some empty public against hv, couldnt even lock it and then people joined it :D Maybe in 05? dunno
november 2003

it was the first war for tfX and SkS =D
fueldump and oasis
no idea, with kodler somewhere in january 2004 after i switched from Rtcw to Et
2on2 vs low- on supplydepot / adler in december 2006 =[
clan vs clan (12vs7)

We've won with 6 unskilled dudes (one of them is me [I'm still unskilled])
me first was 187 vs da+sexy pistols
10-90kills or sth in adlernest...yee that was fun
with DUTCHBAT RED versus DUTCHBAT blue ,
orsmth like that :d

that was my 1st ever official, back in Fu vs sharks. FALL 2004 on supply and radar, was an epic game it seems :D we won 4-2 :D

23 September 04. back in the season of svarvadel and cathedral. that was my 1st ever official on cb since we had problems on it back then!, had been playing for quite a while, at this point i had been playing since December 03 i think :D
IGWT vs helix 4-2 no probs whatsoever
rtcw - 2002
ET - 2005
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