Every UK home to get Broadband


Along with this some HUGE proposals with regards to the future of channel 4. Very interesting day for the media in the uk.
which part of uk missed the internet?
Poor people.

Edit: guess it’s about social inclusion & education, without internet access, or at the very least, basic computer lessons – you’re going to struggle with employment. Any job beyond manual labour requires at least a basic understanding of the ways of the web ‘n the ability to type – creating an unnecessary barrier in escaping poverty.

People struggling within financial constraints may not be able to afford a PC / adequate internet access – meaning they’re disproportionally held back, giving their more affluent neighbours an advantage in educating the next generation & keeping them trapped in a cycle of poverty.

It’s (probably) all about equality of opportunity.

Waste of cash either way.
2mbit only? :D Oh, please ...
It's free so you can't really complain
If you dont have internet and someone gives you 2mbit, its more than you need.
I can't even imagine anyone here in Latvia who nowdays wouldn't have internet at all ... :XD
my gran doesn't have internet
ye but does she own a pc? i guess that most people that don't have internet are people that can't afford it, or just don't have anything to use it on.
In the netherlands 1.1 miljoen people doesn't have internet. and 50% of them has a pc but don't want it because of diffrent reasons.
Different reasons such as it is a workstation or document/file storage and that it would be plain stupid to connect it to the internet?
yep such reasons!
If you are not downloading or w/e 2Mb is good.
That's because the BBC are putting everything online (BBC iPlayer). And we pay our TV licence to them. Also it will be a waste of money as I doubt they will increase speeds which means an average of 3.6meg :D. It will mostly be government monitored to.. guess we will turn into china
Turning? There's very little the government don't know about you or control.

Semi-interesting thing I learned today showing this ^^, you need government permission to have a gender op.
edit: Reading the exchange that happened here was too rage-inducing so I got rid of it.

brotip: Use TSL/SSL for sensitive data
Sorry meez you can really chat some shit :/
fire up peerguardian some time and see how much you're being tracked
no sounds more like 1988 :P
They know everything about us...but what we do on the internet is a different story
lol I never knew that,

Firstly what will this do to ISP businesses - nothing good - I can imagine. Secondly we will all be on the same network, yeah sure the government can check on what we are doing but not a freely as they would like believe it or not. I think we should provide people with internet and it’s a good idea especially for the less fortunate but they should keep it on a level, maybe only offer certain luxuries like the 2meg free and download limits. If you want a faster speed and more downloads speak to an ISP company which would benefit both ends. This will come out of our taxes one way or another, nothing is free.
Way of this labour government, tax as much as you can get away with – yet again penalising the working class to maintain the slobs. Can’t say I’m a great fan of making life too easy on benefits. It should be enough to maintain a comfortable way of living, nothing more (caveat, exception [to a degree] carers of young children).

Your local library already offers free internet use for 1hour 45 minutes a day – and all secondary schools have computer access. What does this enable [that isn’t accessible already] beyond playing games, accessing porn & downloading torrents?
I agree, but didn’t this all start from the BBC putting all of their information online? Which not everybody could have free access to?
Check the adverts thread in the forum :p can't see a future world that doesn't include TV through the internet / tvs with the power of a pc. That's the only suistainable way for the beeb to continue.
'It also includes measures to crack down on illegal downloading, and internet providers will be required by law to warn customers when they are illegally downloading.

Serial pirates also face the prospect of their personal details being handed over to music and film companies, so they can be sued. But there is no mention of cutting infringers' broadband connections. '

It’s endemic of a government that sees mass breaking of the law and wants to impose further sanctions in the vein attempt to control it – rather than accepting that the law is wrong, and working on ways to improve / facilitate it.

It’s against my instincts to steal – if a competitive alternative was available I’d likely use it.
Malta already did this. There were HUGE queues lol

2Mbit for free for 1 year if i remember right
your totally right me and my dad had to wait in the queue for ages
and I pay it really much -.-' gg italy as always
yea isn't it great living in the most corrupted country in the world :) ?
Hah on the news the other day, an Italian council has banned restaurants selling 'non-Italian' food from the town centre. Wonderful country :)
idd i think without the corruption we wouldnt have rly much problems.

anyway greece is more than us sorry :)
it's the corrupt government-controlled media that makes you think that, greece can't be worse ;D
controlled by mafia? you make me lol, that's not controlled by mafia that IS mafia if u didnt understand -.-
if you think government and the mafia are the same thing, sure. otherwise i have said no such thing.
that's what i said, i bet that 80% min of gov here has something or had something to do with mafia, sad but true
glassfibre Noord-Brabant i-net gotta <3 our dutchies for that
so why doesn't the randstad have fibreglass yet? :'(
noord-brabant is far ahead of all other provinces >:-D
True especially Limburg and NB
+1 kanker bullshit :D
fucking stupid, broadband is so cheap these days any one could afford it if they needed it, but the fact is the people that dont have it dont need it so.. what a waste of cash, especially with the current economic issues.
'Insignificant' amount of cash :)
I think they are going to do something similar also in Finland soon
you know what's going to be interesting. whether or not they crack-down on porn downloads. that has to be in the top 3 most illegally downloaded item. it will be interesting to see if they notify bangbros whenever someone rapidshares their shit.

Brazzers ftw :DD
Oh please. We are probably decades away from on the fly SSL decryption. Why waste resources when there is no need.
lol oh come on meez, some very high spec machines have been known to crack encrypted codes in real time.

Quote In 1995, Hal issued an SSL challenge to see if people could crack a single SSL conversation. Using computers from 1995, it took 32 hours.
You know that SSL/TSL strength isn't a universal constant and depends on strength of the keys right?

Actually I wouldn't count on it.
I quote hentai and your SnB buddies here.

I feel sorry for meez he thinks he is smarter than he is and feels he has to try to outsmart people even when he is wrong. I didn’t make that up either

Get a grip meez things are cracked before they are even realised these days, lets continue this on vent tonight if you wish.
hentai is typically more emo than a stoned dyke at a Simple Plan concert and 36 points of teamdamage could probably trigger far more ragedface responses than that, not that I give a shit because he voids his own argument from the tenth word in the sentence.

Trying to act smarter? What the fuck is wrong with you? What has knowledge of encryption to do with being smart? A 10 year old could read a few books on medieval Christianity and he would be a shitton more knowledgeable than both of us on that subject, how would it make him in any way more intelligent?

I'm not going to "continue this on vent" as it would be a waste of my time. Read some books on cryptography by experts in the field and formulate your own conclusions instead of citing random articles on the internet. Don't act so insulted and do your own fucking research.

edit: Just forgot to point out that you using that quote doesn't help you at all. I'm actually arguing against your points of discussion, what I am not doing is pasting random out of context logs of people bitching about you.
Firstly give me whatever you have been smoking because it looks good. Secondly anything worth cracking will be cracked simple as.
Sorry starzi
Quoteyou can really chat some shit :/

The quote is "you can get my address with one single command in any decent operating system". And that is true. Did I ever claim that [what you said]? No, that's retarded, sort out your downs.
Maybe to the telephone exchange, what port would my phone line be plugged into?
Did you even read what I said? I never said what you claim I did because such a thing is impossible. I was merely referring to a whois.
There are simillar plans in Poland, I hope it'll work, cause it would be a huge raise for economy :)
If the news was every home in the UK gets 50mb fibre optics i would be impressed.
tbh the average user doesnt need 50mb
Yea, didn't mean switching everyone to 50mb, just the choice being available to everyone.
<TosspoT> i am the ruler of the world
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