Sim City Series


anyone of you ever played Sim City?
version doesn't matter, it's just cool if you are bored :o

started playing when I was 8 years old I guess, but didn't had a clue what to do :D:DDD
well, Sim City 4 is quite enjoyable but I think that Sim City 3000 was better

your thoughts?

image: SimCity%204%202005-09-07%2000-01-49-93
i have sim city 3000 XD
I played it on sns, then the first pc version I think, 2000 + 4
overrated, spend hours building a mega city then a UFO or volcano fucks your power station leaving you up shit creek without a paddle.
you know that you can turn off catastrophes?
might as well play RTCW with /god while you're at it
thats so absolutely not comparable. It would be comparable if you placed big scyscrapers in your city by using a cheat. I thought the purpose was to build up a "well-oiled" city which may interact with the cities around. But ok if you say the aim of sc is building up a city and then letting it destroy by some stupid catastrophes, i might be wrong
both take out big factors of the game, being able to die and being able to have your city partially destroyed, therefore making the rest of the game unbelievably easy.
I spend hours on building... 32h was my record i think...
sim city 3000 was the best one, further versions are for the trash can
Theme Hospital it's nice too and roller caster tycoon!
me has sim city2000
what happened to anno? the game u kept slapping snipo on?
he kinda sucks and didn't want to play with me because he got bashed several times!
I haz sim city 4 : D
Sim City 3000 was one of the best game in the history, I was playing it when I was like 12 years old :P hell yea, what a game
sim city <3 :D
I played sim city 2000 to death, was good fun
2000 was nice back in the days
3000 was fun to play with my cousin. He couldn't control the mouse so he put random roads all over the map :Q
I played it on "Super Nintendo" and at pc -> Sim City 4, but I never earned more money then I gave out (don't understand how to get a big city)
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