So tomorrow a new school day?

What are u gonna do tomorrow? What do u think about tomorrow?
its the weeknend is near ;)
Were getting testimonials tomorrow and I have a average of 1.71 :)
huh finally since today i have got holiday...
tomorrow i m gonna sleep till round 9 i guess, get some coffee and then i ll start studying C.
Need to learn that language for work.
In the evening i m gonna meet up with some friends for poker :>
gym in the morning then getting ready for gf's birthday parteh.
do not have maths homework :<
sup negro :D
Tomorrow no school, going to Groningen to visit up a friend of mine, make some spacecake
first go to vocational college.. after that work till 5 am..
hope the weekend will be nice.. full of sleepin and party =)
it was a shit week.. too much work/ less sleep/ a lot of stress..

gonna learn some english

teacher: I would like to buy a Hamburger
Me: Me will löke dua bey a Damburger
teacher: Lets brake it down
teacher: I
Me: MeeeuIwh
teacher: I
Me: ....EI
teacher: would
Me: wuuld
Teacher: would
Me: wuuuoould
... just look at this vid :D
That was the best part in that film :D
work first and then going to restaurant with my bf and after that we r planning my bday next weekend :D
Happppppppy Birthday
Final practical exam of my apprenticeship.
Gonna earn much $$$ next month! :-D
And you know to who you will need to transfer it, my friend.
going to make spacecake with Pim
Going to eat with gf, sister and her bf, I'll join vent with my sister then ok? :Ddd
No need, ill just come over.
going to see apparat<3 or nathan fake
Friday - Partyday !
exam tomorrow :D

last one, whoooew
Fap and game.
English exam, last one for the next 8 weeks :-)
Funeral tomorrow!
Fuck yeah, man!
xD, no joke btw
just some shit lesson...
I will go up 8 clock take a fast walk, then eat breakfast. At 10 a clock i am @ gym with a friend, bicep and tricep workout. Then i got some free hours, but @ 6 a clock i got soccer training =)
uff kolla biffen!
such an unexpected comment from you
Gotta study a bit, then I go to gym. Ofc I will eat something :p and then I go play innebandy aka unihockey (a game like icehockey but with ball and without skates). Then I play some PC with ma mates
Floor hockey aka floorball aka innebandy aka salibandy aka unihockey.
u got that game also in can :o ?
We call it usually salibandy here in fin. "Sali" means hall in finnish :)
I've played this game 15 years already!
Nice, it's mostly called just "floor hockey" here, I played a bit too when I was younger. :)
free after i got exam today @ uni :D
omg friday...
3 hours school...
2x French
1x Religion
my 2 "most hated" subjects
man i wish i had religion in school, would be fucking awesome, arguing with the teacher every hour
Uni, study, cinema (Benjamin Button)
friday = my freeday = 8o'clock date as usual <3 i love fridays.
One history test:<
What I intend to do: wake up at 8, watch an episode of something over my breakfast, go for a run, go to the chemist, practice piano, language studies, chill out + internet, then walk 30 mins to college at 11:45 and get home at 15:00 and marathon dexter in the evening

What I will actually do: sleep in until 11, don't have time to watch anything but will be ragedface so will watch it anyway, meaning I'll need to have a cut short shower before walking to school at 12:00 and being late followed by sleeping for a couple of hours, then getting home at 15:00 and playing touhou/et/cs and telling myself I need to do my language studies and practice piano
Study / need to pick school for next year / training / training / shower/ Girl / Computer / Sleep.
Buy new camera
Go to the bank for travel insurance
Watch movie
Be bored
Play futsal
Have some drinks
going skiing with my football club \o/
exam tomorrow :D

last one, whoooew
Sleep till 8 o'clock, a quick breakfast, Swedish exam, back hom at ~11, hangging around with my gf and probably to cinema at night.
Going to watch Nadal - Verdasco !

And after that i'm going to chill arround and play some tennis :$:$:$
gonna wake up at ~12 o'clock, take a shower & go to the barber shop and then I'll just put on my cool face for the rest of the day
To be honest, I'm going to skip school tomorrow.
I would have my last 6 hours of Microbiology course, but because I find stench of bacteria very unpleasing, I'll just stay in my bed.
never have school on friday so prolly sleep till 12:00 then wake up get some nice croissantjes that my mother takes with her from shopping and then do something else I havnt decided yet :D
Hope I can sit down without this torturing back pain...
aparently i have to be there at a quarter to nine but i dont think im going to make it unless i dont sleep at all tonight :P
shit man im going fabric for my mates bday. then all driving down to southampton at abotu 1am. tay there till sunday then drive back.
7:00 AM Class till 12:00, then it's off to some beers with friends and try to get some girls to go with us. Keep drinking and play some drinking games see where the night take us.
- going to party now
- sleep
- wake up
- hmm jamming on guitar
- some ET
- then i dont know
still got over a month to go of my holidays :)
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