omg amidrunk? :$:$:$

guys, i just made a lil mistake ;d;d;
i never drink or smoke or w/e never even tried, anywy..
i went to pee like 20 min ago and on my way back to my room i opened up tthe freeze to get smth to eat, and i saw this finlandia bottle, so i said wth i wanna taste it.. anyway, it was my first time and i think i drank too much, not feeling anything now or smth but i have to go to school soon ;d;d;d in 1h or so..

image: 110f9qd

this is how much i drank, it was filled till the blue line and i drank till the red, a bit less i think dunno cant tell u exactlly.. wat do u like about it ;\ taste like crap, smell isnt that good, but its warm inside me ;d
now i feel my heart beating fast and im a bit cold ;d;d;d anyway, its ok or i might get drunk cause of it? i think its not that much to get drunk from ;d;d;d dunno lolz can i do smth ? not rly feeling anything strange except for speeding heart beats... ;\ lololoolol :< halp kkthxbb

lol okid ouble it chmpp told me to do it and chmpp is my sensy so i do it k? seeeeeen luv u cu in schol! i go in 40 minuteeeeees andi take the busss ok
chmppppppp is finladish and bottle is finladnia chmpp is dthe masterrrrr !@#
Hi2u Israel destiny
haha nice dunz you won't feel a thing you drunk like 1 glass man chill:P
not funny at all
go hack on clanwars more, shithead


what did i miss here?
i hear finlandia vodka can cause heart attacks. you may die, seek medical attention quick!
you're going to die
eeerm... why did you post this journal for the second time...

oh hai... was posted the same text and pic by destiny
Bringing 4chan to CF
no shit sherlok
suckiest troll i've ever seen
good shit
U are already drunken, otherwise u wouldnt post some crappy jounal like this
FAKE! *sigh*
im proud of you! :D
empty the bottle already!
did you fuck allready or is your first time coming in some years? gl!
this is already posted like a few months ago!
last night i was clubbing and had 3pints kronenburg, 1 bottle fosters, 1 shot gold tequila, 1 double smirnoff/coke, then 5 or 6 double vodka and orange + random tastes of vodka/mix buckets (in that order). passed out and thought i was rolling a spliff in california for some random reason, until this girl roles over to my side of the bed and starts making weird seal noises next to my ear, never been so confused in my life - there are no seals in california! im going clubbing again tonight :/!
FinlandThomm drinks three of those bottles for breakfast.
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