I'm back for 1 sec.

So what's up? Haven't been here for years and started asking myself lately how my ET buddies were doing.

So Ronner/neglect/aquitas and everybody else. What's up? I`m in my second year of university (science of human movements), keeping myself occupied with strongman contests for which I train hard for and enjoying life with friends and my girlfriend.


ps. What's up with all the fake rivo clan and players? Go fuck yourselfs.
brb fuckin myself
Ronner is team NL captain, doing fine i guess playing backup @ dNan and he is still bald.

I don't know neglect.

Dunno whats Aeq been doing lately ;)

So people still play ET? Kind of surprised though.
Ye well have to say ET is still kinda alive ;)
Are you one of those "that game is so dead" guys ?
Well, I kind off moved on with other things. Even if you're still into gaming there are many other good games out there.
You didn't get my point .
hello rivo, long time no see : )
Hi. Kreaturen still alive?
Dead for a long time now .
No, we stopped at the end of 2005 : )
Oh. Newsflash for me. :)
et is fucked up... no fun at all anymre. pb and some known players who started cheating ruined it imo...

lucky some nice peeepz r still here!
Name me some cheaters.
p3rf0r4t0R his brother.
How can other players ruin your game? Like you have anything to do with them? I like it to play again since a couple of weeks, but thats just because of the guys I'm playing with. Why should I care about other ppl that started cheating..:o?
cause so a lot left or started doin same :p mostly when i play then it is against cheaters what is boring or when u recruit someone u dont know... i like to play with all the old "mates" i know allrdy but hard to believe in new. thats my point..
Ok, I understand your point.

I played against quite a lot teams the last couple of weeks and some of them were really unknown to me, but I couldn't really find a cheater ;(
me mr.unknown gave u 3hs with my luger...don't say i don't hack !!
OMG im so pro now
Bullshit, agree with what BuLL said (must be a first).
yeah look at all those great teams. where r there? only active when lan or some big cup is incoming. nothing up in irc.. w/e it changed for me last 1-1,5 year..
and since when are u highskilled that u play vs them great teams?
u dont get it.. :/

activity is the word u shall think about and i loved to watch ettv games tbh :o exciting matches motivates others to play more. more good pubs more activity at irc, bllaaa blubb... w/e its my opinion.
I've never ever in my ET-carreer watched so little ETTV-games and except for the first year I've never been as active as now. And good pubs, ET only had 4-5 good pubs at max in her history (bio, fdnl, telenet 1&2, efterlyst) and they don't inspire people to play scrimms.

Either me and some buddies are exceptions or your logic is flawed.

I fail to see how the fact that there is no idle & shizzle around anymore influences your activity.
Yes, that's the first time ever I think. XD
same for me want to get back in time and be low again ( for the flamers , ok im still low ) with my first 2.6b clan! was awesome time! We were so happy when we found out that a flamer was reallly usefull up @ sup : [
What the fuck are you talking about
Hey there pwnator! You following outlaw's example and started working out to become massive?
Hey ronnlord. Yes, outlaw was a prime example of what to do with my life. Now I devote my time trying to be like him.

But not really. Was always into triathlon but wanted something totally else. So now I`m lifting weights and training the strongman events weekly. I`m having more fun than ever. So what are you up to?
Oh not much, working, doing some projects on the side, playing, chilling.. the usual :)
"science of human movements" -> do u mean "Gym trainer"
You're funny, and clueless.
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