I should kiss her...

ITT: journal title not related to the content... sry guys

So ive got my QuakeLive beta invite, after [x] years of waitin... My first invite - fuck yeah... but I dont know if I should start playing this... a lot of exams etc.

My question is:
Is this game worth playin it and due this maybe not passin my endofterm examination?

Peace out my friends [<3]

Random pic(hmm its friend of mine after passiniout... we had fun as u can see;D
- oh and yes... he lost one eyebrown)
image: hubert-05
Why the fuck you nerds cant play AND read for the exams at the same? Can't you keep your playing like 2-3h per day, or is it a must to play 14h per day when you start playing some game?
dont have time for both dude... gf,friend,accidental buttsecks etc..
edit1:actually i didnt play any game since last month... hmmm I know smthing is wrong with me OO
Well how about forgetting gaming then if you dont have time for it? Are you really ready to throw education for gaming? Stupid :E
Its not like just giving up after get into game... it might happen... I know Im/its stupid :U
It's kinda worth playing but not an addictive game. I can't play it for longer than 30 minutes.
yeah, same here
I enjoy playing, but just some time, after that, I am getting bored
Usefull info :] I think im gonna try it... just for a moment ;d
id you went wrong, with your quake live invites
I'll just play good old CPMA
and I hope you see that why it is a shame
because you just fucked up your game
I couldnt start CPMA :<
and imo quake live is good !
Browser and Quake it sounded good,
But it won't own quite like it should
None of my bullets ever hit,
The spread I don't like a little bit
Railgun? It's weak like the gameplay
Maybe you could release a patch someday
The interface, is ugly too
Another thing for you to redo
you win, meez lost.
Noedel :<<<<<<<<<
Why did you use the word friend in the description of the picture?
ups mistake... friend of mine, eng isnt my native language as u can see ;C
What I meant is that you call him a friend but at the same time you make him look ridiculous. I thought one of the main aspects of friendship was be there for each other in good and bad circumstances?
He's not my friend buddy...
He was just my roommate for one year... Me and my second roommate always had fun of that shitface... I know... im cruel... but thats the influence of tv/games Oo
Learn what it means to be a friend.
Need duel cpma, pretty noob, /q chrochrochronos
nice fun you guys have
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