google bugged?

image: 2dkmzbt

Thats on every site :o!

And doesnt let me visit them.. discuss!
Same here :x
Yep it's on too
h3h3 CAN damage your computer!
Click on google, then it says you've got malware :xxxxx
same at .es
Unbelievable how Google rules the internet & yes, its a Google bug, stupid servers:
Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.
czech one too.. google is shit!
same here
hahaha xDDDD good I don't have to find anything important now
is this the end of the world coming? !:D
Same goes for
same .ro
Glad it's not just me then
same here :o)
Same here ^^ i thought i had a virus or something
meez haxxed google OGM OMG!!
Ok I hacked it :( I'll fix it in 2 hours! Sry!
It happens with almost everything I search... gg bug.
yeah lol saw it too, guess it's an intrusion.

don't go to the "help" page, it's fishy.
:( google is dead
google got LOLUGOTWTFPWNT ftw works fine atm :S
yeh it stopped me getting onto genghis con site :< have to do irect url
Seems to be fixed now.
dont have the bug
.de works fine
.it works
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg :oo
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