New style of cup?

Today I red the journal of killerboy about making CB more active and I came to an idea. It's not really worked out but just some idea :) You can compare it with football :>

So, every 'league' has 4 clans. You got 1st league which compares EC clans prolly. 2nd league with some EC teams and maybe premier league teams and stuff,... To make it short: leagues will be divided by skill.
4 clans means 3 matches/group. I was thinking to give these teams the time of 1 month to play their matches. If they got 2 noshows loss than they won't get their 'license' which means they will fall down to 2 leagues lower.
After this month we look to the ranking in each league and the first of every league will go up to a higher league, the last in every league will go down to a lower league.

I was also thinking to do this for each nation a different competition. After every month , the winner of premier league from each nation will play an 'international' competition comparable with CL or Uefa.

So I would like to know the opinion of the 'community' ;o . People who have some experience in organisating and who are supporting this idea, pm me :)

This won't be for CB , project with a lot of guys
i haff idea aswell. every country makes regional championships and then the best in all countries fight off in an epic battle
all on the same server at the same time i hope?
Probally not enough teams per country.
We got like 10 Netherlands team's and like 30 Europe team's.
don't forget: 1000Poland teams ;-DDD
Don't think that will increase the ladder activity though, and how can you divide clans with their nationality 90% will be EU :p
Tbh this competition for every nation is not a 'must'. Probably it's better just to mix all the nations and take four best teams in premier etc etc. So nevermind that 'international' cup and read till:
Quote... .After this month we look to the ranking in each league and the first of every league will go up to a higher league, the last in every league will go down to a lower league.
hmhm doubt u will get enough stable teams to make such a big competition but gl
unstable teams will fall away because of that 'license'
ye but thats what I mean, you wont have to much teams left
I like the idea but I think Eddo has a point. Nowadays players switch clans like there's no tomorrow which would mess up the whole system

I hope you can prove me wrong though
till ligan vi gå
klote flashy wrm probeer je agon na te doen : |

maar wel mooie idee :D

for me isnt good idea create league/groups for all nations, because to many clans play under EU flag/in multigaming ect.

My proposition is 4 leagues divided by skill.

For example: 1st league: EC teams, 2nd league: for med+ clans, 3rd: for med clans, 4th: for low/+ clans.

+ 3 best teams after one month from 4th league qualify to 3rd league - 3 weakest teams from 3rd league dropped out to 4th league.

+ 3 best teams from 3rd league qualify to 2nd league - 3 weakest teams from 2nd league dropped out to 3th league.

+ best team from 1st league - EC direct invite + maybe prizes (warserver @ month?), second & third place EC direct invite, 3 best teams from 2nd league qualify to 1st league - 3 weakest teams from 1st league dropped out to 2nd league.
great idea ;D
I love you.
Why they want cb more active if they "kick" some teams out? Like nc qualifiers...
1day 3on3 cups ftw.

ppl with older than 2weeks guis not allowed to play
only 2 cheaters in a team allowed.
atleast somebody's has to use wallhack.
atleast one polak per a team.
braundorf only.
ppl with recognizeable nicks are not allowed.
spoofing is must to not get banned in CB/ESL/Crossfire.
admins have to always win.
admins can change the timelimit if they haven't set time in normal limits.
sounds good, only make braundorf, delivery only
great ideas. Its a shame that nobody listens to ordinary players
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