Super Bowl XLIII !!!

need stream for it :o)"!#!"#!#

which team will win ?!
mikset kato tv:stä :o
Ei kaic tuu ku jostaki maksukanavalta.
ei oo viasat paskaa
Steelers ! troy polamalu ftw

need a good steam too
watch it on bbc1
BBC1 Live, maybe find a stream for that mate!!
Dont care which team will win, american football sux :(
Edit: Zomg, Pittsburgh is playing! So I'll support them
i think steelers will make it eventhough fitzgerald is just a fucking machine
Cardinals by 7
ask limbo,hes pro.
Well, Pittsburgh is the favourite, no question. But the cardinals are more equal than the most experts and ratings say. Hopefully, Arizona will be able to win the Superbowl after over 60 years to save a completly fucked up sports day for me.

image: AAGL102~Arizona-Cardinals-Helmet-Logo-Posters
Nice, is there anything you don't know?!?!?!?!?!
The team that won the championship was the Chicago Cardinals, and the Superbowl wasn't around then.
Yes, so what? It was the highest possible achievement in that times, so it's almost equal to the Superbowl and I didn't say 'again' nor they ever won it. :P Furthermore, although it's another city, it's still counted as the same team?! :(
'Arizona will be able to win the Superbowl after over 60 years' Ok first you state Arizona, if you had said the Cardinals then you can count it as the same team as you would have refered to the franchise. Secondly you say they will be able to win the Superbowl after over 60 years. With the 60 years refering to their last championship it therefore means again. So your saying they will be able to win the Superbowl after a 60 year wait. You didn't use the word 'again' but the sentence means win it again.
Well, it's the same team playing in Arizona now. So I've called it Arizona, so what?! Furthermore my sentence can also mean 'winning the superbowl the first time after over 60 years of existing'. And again, it was the highest possible achievement at that time, so it's kinda comparable to the Superbowl, although I agree with you about the inauspicious phrase. All in all, it's kinda useless discussion and nitpicking, isn't it?
Yes, i'm afraid it is nitpicking, in that kind of mood im afraid.
I want the Cardinals to win, but if was a betting man I would go with the Steelers.
gogo steelers!
Arizona ... nice having ESPN America xD
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