Public Transportation

Today i saw our traincompany is raising it's prices again. I don't know about you but i've been driving the bus to school for 3 years now , and did 1 year of trains when i was going to KUL and i must say there is nothing at all that motivates me to take public transportation.
Trains that go to leuven are mostly overfull , in which case you have to stand up for an hour. And busses are overfull ( mostly people can't even get on after some stops ) and it's packed with OCMW-scum , foreigners ( who in both cases can't seem to lower their voices ) and old people who basicly use it cause our great state gives it to them for free.
Then there is the uncomfortable seating in busses. I'm not the tallest around with my 1m89 but i still have to take up 2 seats to put my knees across.
Then there is the price for this horrid event , which most of the time can hardly compete with taking the car.And now they are raising it ?
But the thing that bothers me the most is the waiting and the time it takes me to get to school. When i drive with a friend i get there in 20 - 25 minutes , the bus takes 1hour 40 minutes to do this.It's just fucking ridiculous.
Tbh when i get my driver's license in ( hopefully ) 3 weeks i'm never ever taking that shit bus again. Fuck caring about the environment if that means i have to go trough that horrible experience everyday.

Had to spit that out ;)
public transport is shit.
great summary =)
in ee its awful , bums , junkies, faggots , dickfaces.....i disgrace it.
I can imagine how you feel. In 95% of all cases, public transportation is just shit and expensive too. For most people a car is still by far the best option, even when a liter of fuel is €3
In most cases you get a car from your work if you have to drive for a long time.
Public transport is for Poland poor people!
Couldn't agree more.
Yesturday I took the bus from Leuven to Haacht.
Bus was too late, no place for my feet, 2.70€ for such a short distance ...
Though I still like trains tbh
that 's one major problem i forgot lol , their inability to be on time , they are either 10 mins early or 10 mins late , which makes me have to be there 10 mins in advance and most of the times wait 20 mins
When I take the train to Ghent it costs me 0.73 € , when I take the bus from the station to my room, it costs 1.20 (if prepaid, otherwise it's 1.60)...

Trains are almost always full, so I have to stand up and the bus is full of immigrants that don't buy a ticket =(, and I don't want to go sit against some old lady since the seats are way too small, one person allmost always occupies two seats ;-x

so you're right, public transport sux x_X
idd sneek, opden bus ocmw scum, teveel maroefies ge zou al bang hebben om me uwen mobile phone e muziekske op te zetten of ze liggen al op de loer... Ben echt blij dak nimer naar gent moe met bus en trein. Nu opt gemak me de voiture 12min naart school rijden uber chill
I get free public transportation (bus,skytrain,etc), most cities in canada offer university students a UPass :)
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