Monday, worst day ever..

Hello! Well, Mondays are the worst days in whole week. School is starting (today from 8:20 till 15:20 @ school), much time since weekend will come, boring day. Let's have a look @ Tuesday. Much better =D School since 10, till 14:20. I am wondering, how your school schedule looks like (or a work one). 2 weeks break soon (starts @ 13th of February), waiting for it =)


Italy Europe Germany shoes

Member For: 4 years, 6 months and 14 days

///How possible it is? If it was true, it means he joined CF in the age of 10...///



What's your favourite subject, which profile you are or smth like that. I'm in Polish/History class, most like these two subjects. Also I started liking Maths. =)
tomorrow 7:50 untill 14:45 :(((
Pretty good schedule ffs =D

My schedule:

Monday - 8:20 - 15:20
Tuesday - 10:00 - 14:20
Wednesday - 7:30 - 14:20
Thursday - 7:30 - 12:35
Friday - 7:30 - 13:35
tuesday 9:30-12:00 short day :>
8.10 - 13.05 3 days a week
2days im having school from 8.10 - 15.30
he obviously stole an account same as 4live
o my schedule ;D
mon 8.00-14.35
tue 8.00-13.40
wed 8.00-13.40
thur 8.00-13.40
fri 8.00-13.35 :P
Monday: 8-16:00
tuesday: 8-16:00
wednesday: 8-16:00
thursday: 8-16:00
friday: 8-14:15
what school are u visiting?
pretty hard schedule if u ask me :D

edit: oh, or are you're working? :p
I WOULD SAY THAT HE IS DEFINATELY working, would also explain why he can go home earlier on friday.
Its different day every week when I get home earlier :(
hm well in germany its usually friday :X
Civilservice, working.. 11€/day..... :__D... 9 more months.......
he asked a lot of guys to get an account, which is "old"... he asked me for my old account too, if i remember right...


Monday: 7:45 - 13:00
tuesday: 7:45 - 13:55
wednesday: 7:45 - 13:55
thursday: 7:45 - 16:00
friday: 7:45 - 13:55
ha fucking pathetic
lol retard :D
which class are u at? 11? 12?
11 :) 36 lessons/week :X
im also at the 11th and im having 32 lessons / week :p

we are also starting just at 8.10! :D
bavaria is just cooler :)
11th class - > 34 lessons
Monday 8:30-16:30
Tuesday 8:15-17:00
Wednesday 8:15-16:30
Thursday 8:15-17:00
Friday 8:15-16:00
Monday 06.00 - 18.00
Tuesday 06.00 - 18.00
Wednesday 06.00 - 18.00
Thursday 06.00 - 18.00
Friday 06.00 - 18.00

Saturday 06.00 - 18.00
Sunday 08.00 - 18.00
i'm jealous!!
rofl shoes :DDDDDDD

edit: finished school last year.
7:30 - 13:50 every day
kindergarten ftw
Couldn't agree more
Monday: 12-14, but i still haven't left
Tuesday: 8-12, prolly won't go home before 17-ish
Wed: 8-19
Thursday: nothing!
Friday: 8-12; dunno when i'll go home.
Monday: 10:30 - 15:15
Tuesday: 13:30 - 15:15
Wednesday: 9:30 - 12:15
Thursday: 10:30 - 15:15
Friday: "Study Day"

Greit nok å være student i Norge :)
Jau, hvis man ikke hadde hatt disse hersens øvingene hele tiden :<
Jeg er fortsatt på skolen :P
your english is awfull lolz.

monday 10:15 - i dunno since i always skip the last 2 hours

rest work
Thursday: 9-12 (Some important exam apparently)
Member For: 4 years, 6 months and 14 days

///How possible it is? If it was true, it means he joined CF in the age of 10...///

hacked account by nC or shared account from some oldsqooler who doesnt need it anymore
yep :D it does suck =[
9:15 - 11:45
Monday 08.05 - 13.25
Tuesday 08.05 - 13.25
Wednesday 08.05 - 16.00
Thursday 10.00 - 13.25
Friday 08.05 - 13.25
idd... maja ;x
monday work, but iam sick
tuesday school, but gonna rest one more day
wednesday, cook lessons
thursday, 12-22 work in restaurant
friday, 12-22 work in restaurant

its an old account from a random noob
m: 7:50 - 13:10
t: 7:50 - 14:00
w: 7:50 - 14: 50
t: 7:50 - 14:00
f: 7:50 - 12:20
Mon 08:15 - 16.15
Tue 09:15 - 15:05
Wed 08:15 - 14:05
Thu 08:15 - 12:35
Fri 09:15 - 15:05
12:35 - ... for this week
free 4 two months <3 :D but hv too learn 4 exams :x
Mon 08.00 - 15-00
Tue 08.00 - 16.30
Wed 08.00- 15.00
Thur 08.00 - 15.00
Fri 08.00- 14.00
shoes is older than 10?
Mon 8:30-10:00
Tue 8:30-10:00
Wed 8:15-14:30
Thu 9:45- 16.00
Fri 8:15-13.00
tomorrow 8:00 untill 15:20+Handball train.
Mon: 9:35 - 15:05
Tue: 7:55 - 15:05
Wed: 7:55 - 15:50
Thu: 8:45 - 14:00
Fri: 7:55 - 15:50
monday: 8-12
tuesday: 8-15:30
wednesday: 8-11:30
thursday: 10-15:00
friday: 8-14:00

including breaks too

only 20 hours per week of lessons \o/
Mon 10-13.45
Tue 8.15-15.30
Wed 10-13.45
Thu 12.15-15.30
Fri 10-13.45

Quite easy schedule and luckily we can skip lessons/days quite much. That's a good thing considering that my school is 80km's from where I live. :D

I got like 5 college's a week.
omfg they are cheating!
only one worth to mention : friday 11.00-13.40 :)
Monday 07.30 - 16.00
Tuesday 07.30 - 16.00
Wednesday 07.30 - 16.00
Thursday 07.30 - 16.00
Friday 07.30 - 14.00

all that time repairing shit nokia N95's (+ 3109/3110/3120 if they need help)
24/6. "schabbat schalom" is my silence.
7:15- 13.50
7:15- 14.40
7:15- 14.40
7:15- 13.00
7:15- 12.10
9:05 - 14:10
10:15 - 13:15
8:15 - 14:10
9:05 - 15:05
8:15 - 11:50 <3 school
Management and Organisation as favo subject ofc!

e: programming class, best subject is physics
Monday 08.00 - 15.10
Tuesday 09.50 - 13.25
Wednesday 08.00 - 15.10
Thursday 10.40 - 17.00
Friday 08.00 - 15.10

1 week off to prepare for a-levels.
Monday 7:00-15:30
Tuesday 7:00-15:30
Wednesday 7:00-15:30
Thursday 7:00-15:30
Friday 7:00-15:30
work from 6.30 - 16.00 o`clock
Monday 08.00 - 12.00
Tuesday 08.00 - 14.00
Wednesday 08.00 - 15.00
Thursday 08.00 - 14.00
Friday 08.00 - 12.00
Waiting for the 1week SKI-holiday =D=D0DD:::::=D
shoes asked boys with an old acc, which they dont need.. maybe he payed for it :D
but who cares about this registration date?!
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