arsene wenger on m'nerve

ffs 31 days to sign a player and aint even signed 1 ffs rosicky injured, bendter is shit, djorou is the best defender in the world and wtf is song doing in main lineup. FIX UP ARSENAL and wenger u stupid economist start spending!

on the sunny side I love Van persie!
Fransenal are fucking lame face it
Yup and they dont deserve champions league this season either
they never do :)
must agree van persie is amezing player ! dident fallow last lu's :o seams like he is loosing control of the team :<
seems like you are losing control of your english hrhr
dident noticed mr. dr. goebbels
Time for Frank Rijkaard to give arsenal back there glorie :P


(this message is not to be taken seriously)
time for arshavin to get into the team
yeh to bad for real since real wanted to get him long time ago, after teh cups with zenit when arshavin made some amazing performance and at team russia also. I hope arsenal will start to play again so good, as was on past with Henry.
As i saw now on net, Arsenal doesnt have enought money to buy arshavin :D
this summer huntelaar -> arsenal arshavin -> real xD
in the newspapers that they cunts signed him. they have till tomorrow tegister him anyway
yeh i readed same, but then another post was about how arshavin allready left england and went back to russia so we need to wait till tomorow and see whats gonna be out of it :D
ye i was reading that too
but he signed in arsenal for 3.5 years now
so its now 100% sure that he signed contract with them?
dont catch me on that, but probably ye :P
I'm shocked he hasn't signed any 10 year olds the paedo
I understand your concern :/
hes signed.. dont worry ;) and why does everyone allways bash Bendtner.. hes only 21 and is already surperior at his age then say adebayor or eduardo or van persie when they were his age ;).. give the lad a break :o
nty bendtner aint good enough for Arsenal, he needs a lower team like Middelsborough
cu @ UEFA cup!
Well,they bought Arshavin ?
and leave arsene wenger alone plx,hes the bestestest coach in the PL :-(
they didnt
they did.

QuoteUnklar ist die Höhe der Ablösesumme für den 27 Jahre alten Offensivspieler. Laut russischen Medien zahlt Arsenal 16,5 Millionen Pfund (18,3 Millionen Euro) für Arschawin. In anderen Quellen war die Rede von 12 Millionen Pfund. Die Summe sei um einiges höher, sagte Petrow. Arschawin teilte auf seiner Internetseite mit, dass er künftig die Spielernummer 23 trage.


they dunno the prize yet should be around 18,3 mio euro. blablabla

Arsenal are shit anyway.

We have bought 2 players, Tal Ben Haim and Callum Davenport!

Sunderland on the up

expecting an arsenal dudes .gif here
Wenger signing a white player? Inconceivable.
an albino
Im an arsenal fan and I'd say arsene wenger aint the best in PL hes in top 3 but best is Alex ferguson
aint freggi english man ?
whos freggi?
ferguson ^^
ferguson is scottish
so u meant ferguson is best overall, not in pl
sup with eduardo after all. when will he start playin in 1st team
he have still that injury so he need to rest and start with slow traning, probably couple of weeks and he should be back at full.
It's still not official, but Arsenal signed Andrej Arsavin until 2012 in the last day of the transfer period.
Hello Arsenal non-supporters.
mr arsehole wanker does it again!
Hydr0 - After this topic i hope you go and support spurs they manager to get Keano back! Thats the way to splash the cash!
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