Dentist journal

Today I had a time at the dentist, had to have one tooth with caries fixed. For once everything went totally awesome, anesthesia worked perfectly and I didn't get half of my face numbed either, yet I didn't feel anything during the procedure. Props to my dentist! <3

Share your dentist stories! Anyone totally phobic about dentist on xfire?
My dentist pulled the wrong tooth out once :(
Anyone totally phobic about dentist on xfire?
That would be me.
No horror stories. I've only ever had one filling and I can't really remember it except that it was irritating for the next few hours.
once I had to wait over 2 hours in the queue to my dentist, and when I finally went inside she just checked my teeth and said "oh, you have everything perfect up there, don't worry about it and keep it going". I was like wtf, I sat there for 2 hours and that's all? then she said "next time you don't need to wait if you only need to check your teeth". fucking dentists
Spending 1.5 hour in the dentist chair replacing the root in the tooth. Did it without any anesthesia, but will not do it twice.

More to come when I get a new tooth!
Yes, i am.

Had a filling without any anestetic, dentist pulled at, drilled, poked, broke and filled my tooth and i felt the whole thing. Ive never been back, and ive been planning to go for the last 3 years...
I'm not totally phobic but I don't rly much like the drill ;g
I visit the dentist maybe 3-4 times annually for regular check-ups and so far never had anything specific done.. so no, can't see a reason to be phobic :o)
The only mistake i once made was letting the dentist drill without anaesthesia....i can tell you don't try that
I wanna get rid of my fucking wisdomtooth! >:) Its scratching my cheek from the inside :/
I've removed two of my wisdom teeth. The second one took over an hour to remove (anesthesia was already wearing off towards the end), I was spitting blood for a day afterwards. Only two to go now. Not a pleasant experience. -.-
Mine are starting to do that now, sucks.
same story started now, have u got rid of it? >:D soz for old reply
Np! Actually it's not bothering me anymore :O But im still going to remove it someday!
When i was kid i had awful time @ dentist. My dentist was old angry lady who allways were yelling "OPEN YOUR MOUTH MOAAAR" and im liek "ITS ALREADY OPEN" and then she failed something and then there was blood all over my mouth and was spitting it like 30mins away. Dentist suxx : <
a piece of my tooth broke of today (very small but still :p ) now i'm sad and need to see dentist soon :o
Have been going to the dentist for 10 years or so, because my teeth were really fucked up when i was young. Didnt help that much though, coz theyre still a bit crooked. Im not really phobic, but when they made the mold for my braces and i had to bite this metal thingy that had some wax inside... I kinda throwed up in my mouth a little :D
I had to do this aswell, and I also ALMOST threw up, I had to sort of gag and lean forward and the doctors were like "omgwtfbbq?"
i was at dentist today too :<
I have never had any holes in my teeth, luckily. Some pieces have fallen off or some milk-tooth (or what ever the first ones are) and I have had to fix them though.

Last summer friend hit me in the face and I had to go and replace a part of my front teeth, it was suprisingly fast operation, like 15-20 minutes.
Part of my two front teeth are also replaced by plastic or something :E KIVAA PURESKELLA JOTN KORPPUA ESIM. :D
I haven´t noticed any difference. Besides, front teeth are not supposed to use to chew hard stuff, duh.
At age 13-14 I had to get several teeth removed as overdrive's mouth seemed to small to fit in all my amazing teeth. I had several teeth pulled out including somel ungrown teeth which were all weAk and soft.

The nice dentist gave them to me after the procedure, in a nice little box.

Teh End
Had root treatment twice, I can really recommend this experience.
image: wurzelbehandlung_2_400_300
Seems to me like the:

Well maybe like five years ago I was afraid of going to dentist but nowadays it really isn't a big deal cause I've been there many times x) I always let them put the anesthesia needle & sometimes it's even relaxing to just lie in the chair :D
I hate going to the dentist =<
im scared for the dentist :(
Don't have any interesting experience with dentists, but what I remember is this movie which is more disturbing/disgusting than anything else from horrors.
Only downside thing I ever experienced at the dentist was that they pulled 2 tooths and they did local anaesthesia, which fucking hurt :<
i find that taking anesthesiacs while being at dentist or at surgery makes me wanna:

image: news_borat_great_success

one of the really great and awesome things humanity has created

edit: although when the anesthesiac had stopped working and i woke up after my knee operation, my throat was hurting like hell xdd. thats suspicious :((
dentists really hate me because of snus :D:DD:D:D
Perfect teeth so no horror stories :z
4 teeth out in 2 weeks was a bit shit, then having a brace sucks ass when it gets tighened
havent been to the dentist in 6 years - never had anything wrong with my teeth. I believe that when u go fot check ups etc. they deliberately knock ur teeth and do shit to them to ensure that u have problems in the future
Once I was very tired and fell asleep during the drilling.
For some reason, every time I go to the dentist for a check-up he finds all kinds of things wrong with my teeth, and then these things wont actually hurt until he starts poking in it. Fucking dentist, I hate that guy.
last time i didnt want anesthesia when only one small hole was found but lets just say ill take it the next time 8)
30seconds is a long time!!
Drysocket! if anyone has had this they will know why i cant be arsed to write how shit it is to have worst pain i have felt fucking terrible
I tell you what mate your not far from the truth i went about 6months ago for a check up had no problems with my teeth no pain and so on then this overpaid little gimp said i needed "a" filling ended up having three molars removed and 4 fillings and a dose of drysocket to boost. If you get a letter asking you to go tell them to get to fuck mate
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