linux ubuntu mic problem [eng/ger]
3 Feb 2009, 17:39
so yeah, since im sick of this annoying laggs on windows, i tried linux and at least laggwise it helped already
et + vent are already running fine together, but i got another problem yet to solve..
well, basicly my microphone is just make annoying least for my m8s at vent
as my laptop is being like 50 cm beside me i thought this could be the noisemaker, but since im not having this noise at vista it must be smth else
so i had another idea and i thought linux might be using my integrated laptop mic as the input source,so i plugged out my headset and shouted at my laptop to see if m8s still cna hear me at vent..
but no, they didnt.
so i was sure linux is using my usual headset/microphone
i played with the alsamixer and the volume control and tried many different things, muted this and that but didnt solve it yet..
so anybody who had solved this problem already mighr give me some advice pls :P
summary: my mic makes stupid noise which is annoying for m8s at vent :p
et + vent are already running fine together, but i got another problem yet to solve..
well, basicly my microphone is just make annoying least for my m8s at vent
as my laptop is being like 50 cm beside me i thought this could be the noisemaker, but since im not having this noise at vista it must be smth else
so i had another idea and i thought linux might be using my integrated laptop mic as the input source,so i plugged out my headset and shouted at my laptop to see if m8s still cna hear me at vent..
but no, they didnt.
so i was sure linux is using my usual headset/microphone
i played with the alsamixer and the volume control and tried many different things, muted this and that but didnt solve it yet..
so anybody who had solved this problem already mighr give me some advice pls :P
summary: my mic makes stupid noise which is annoying for m8s at vent :p
nOOOOOOb :)))))))
plz forgive me <3
ure on linux now? that explains why ESL|Michi was so freakn obvious.
ich mag dich echt, aber übertreibs nicht so wenn wir gegeneinander spielen.
just got et+vent running 2 days ago :p
och andi :)
is net des erste mal gewesen dass ich 11 k dmg oda so hatte..und auch net des erste mal dass du mit mirspielst sodass du net wüsstest dass ich netn meganoob bin :p
und gegen dich spielen ist noch mal was anderes als mit dir :D
ich glaub ja nicht wirklich, dass du an hast oder so... aber naja.
try googling your sound card and "input noise" or "mic noise" or something... leaving now dont really have time to jump through all the hoops with alsa
im not rly hearing that or well its not annoying me, but for m8s at vent it must be disturbin
1. Start alsamixer
2. Press Tab
3. Go to "input source"
4. Press up/down
5. ...
6. Profit!
linux is only for cock suckers :=