How To? ...

Get more fps in ET? Ive started using my old pc again to play et due to damaging my laptop. I use to get around 80 fps but now getting 40 :/

1. Im already using a high fps config (modus). Are there any better ones out there?

2. Would formatting actually improve fps?

3. Whats the lowest r_customheight/width can you use that makes et still playable?

4. Is there anything else?

thx in advance
1. make your own by googling for the commands
2. yes, more stuff on your pc increases the load on your cpu which is a factor of FPS
3. 480*640
4. if u use nvidia card use aTuner and get a program called gameprofile, it disables some unnecessary windows processes without having to reboot.

Also i recommend you to tweak your windows to the max (Trimmadriden by RaZiel is pretty good)
Trimmadriden by RaZiel where can i has? tried google ;o

btw its a raedon card
i could send u through msn or stuff but u need a lot of knowledge about windows (though its explained pretty well)
link for atuner and that program pls
It really helps? Is there any way to restart/add again the services?

ye that gameprofile program: there are some standard unnecessary windows services already in the config, add any crap you want disabled while playing;

Then when u want to play: run gameprofile, when done, press the stop button or smth

when i had a bad pc those 2 programs gave me around 10 fps more + more stable

have fun with it :o)
didn't help but perhaps because i have already 2048mb ram
1.modus config = #1

2. Yes. Format and install Linux

3. Possibly what that other guy said above

4. Don't do drugs
that cfg aint lowdetail :x
It has secretcvars in it for high fps but keeps some detail :')
:o gotta check it tomorrow but now im off to bed -> nighty nights Panda!
1. go to work
2. earn money
3. buy a computer (nerd option)
ad 4. you could try to lower the value of s_mixahead
lol, people calling modus cfg low detail, bullshit.

for starters, r_mode 3.

U AINT SHIT WITHOUT R_MODE 3!!111111111111
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