alcohol quest

which one to buy and why?

image: 41
baquba rum

image: bacardi
superior blanke rum

both 1 liter and around the same price!
baquba rum
its blue :o
Drink beer
Bacardi sucks :(
you drinking alone m8 :@?@:@#:!:!A@#$:$$@:$@:%#:DWS

Did you invite the chicks already btw ^_^
since when do you walk stage :DDDDDDddd
bacardi or polish vodka :o
the one with the highest % ? :D if thats the same i'd take the first one, looks like a bottle of shampoo so easier to trick that stupid cops if they get annoyin
if you are named Edwin and are 18 and in live in Holland, its actually not illegal to have a bottle of vodka on you.
he lives on LLI, only thing that is allowed there is childporn
what the fuck is lli
Loekino's Love Island
its rum not vodka
they can be quite annoyin if u drink it out of the bottle in the middle of a street :D
chivas regal > any rum at any time
but they have hot chicks
pic pic pic!
image: e316c93fc01271b24565453so4

(steal from loekinos profile :D)
you receive money before you go to stage? nice :)
bacardi really sux! vodka redbull ftw <3
baquba,because i never heard of it
baquba rum because i has a nicer bottle
see pic above!
96% american spirit, OR the classic, homemade ponu.
well how nice from me dont you think? :)
oh. :( if u wanna get wasted you dont post these kinda journal to some gaming community site ffs :x
picard + coke = win
picard on coke? that would be hysterical
Amsterdam is the gay capital of the world.
shite, i must've been living in a cave O_O
soon is pretty fast :DDDDDDDDDDDDDdd
google it
bquba has nice bottle
2nd one, i don't like rum that much
i dont like rum, but bacardi is quality afaik :)

btw congrats, you are the first one to reply to me
lol serious journal
Finally finding other sides of life
1st one cant stand barcadi.
baquba because of the bottle!
bacardi looks like normal, so bacardi.
I dont know what this baquba is but I do know that bacardi tastes pretty crap.. White rum isnt real rum.. I would go for captain morgan if I was you.
image: 152_2005-11-25_Cab_Lemon_and_Beer

try this :D i luv it
i nearly puked when i drunk this once
Get some Havana Club or Captain Morgan if you want (quite cheap) quality rum. Bacardi is pure marketing crap. Tastes the same as any 5 Euro rum.

E: Never heard of this blue one, I'd give it a try atleast :-P
100% agree

Cpt. Morgan>*
Otherwise take Jack Daniels or some beer
how old are you?
or cariba negro, awesome and cheap!
Uranov wodka only 5 e
because i have never seen the 1st one, and i made good cuba libre with bacardi.
*denmark & cologne is
1st one looks neat
why do you have to choose between those 2?
walker-black label ....whisky 4tw o0
if not take the blue 1 looks nice
drink vodka you tard
Sorry you are retard



bacardi cus it's fashion!
How much do you pay for that rum then? A bottle of Havana 3 anos (0,7l) is about 12-14 Euro here, the Bacardi is 2 Euro cheaper. Haven't bought Cpt. Morgan for some time now, but I think it's around the same price.
both ?
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