Everton 0 - 0 Liverpool

Gone into extra time now, first half (5:44).

Liverpool down to 10 men (Lucas sent off), Gerrard gone off injured in first half..

Reina just made an amazing save.


Cahill will score. He's too good for this shit
Both teams dire, boring match.
what stage is it semifinal ?
go reds
FA il cup
man united FOREVER
Everton 1 Livefool 0 atm xD

edit: v55 Liverpool!
this is the worst game I've ever seen and I've supported Liverpool since I was born there many years ago...1-0 everton

fuck the fa cup we need to concentrate on cl
you need to concentrate on the fucking league wich you havent one in nearly 2 decades.
in english now please..
cmon arsenal on saturday!
Quote by FACEBOOKHow on Earth is Lucas Leiva allowed to put on a Liverpool shirt?
Basic Info
Sports & Recreation - Professional Sports
This is for all of those puzzled people who watch Liverpool (supporters or not) week in week out and wonder why on Earth Lucas Leiva is a Liverpool player.

I cannot understand how a player of such a poor standard can play regularly for a world class club like ours.

I don't particularly blame Lucas himself as I do Rafa Benitez for both investing in such a substandard player, but also for fielding him regularly.

Everyone join this group and donate money, we can all buy him a Man United shirt so he can play for them instead!!


No gerrard, no torres, no idea
Yeah lol Yakubu and Saha both missing

We've had to play without our top striker, last time we played without our best defensive midfielder AND our most creative and you ( with your strongest side) couldn't beat us.....twice

Benitez has all the money he could want to spend on your squad and without Gerrard to drive you and Torres to nick you goals your crap

Alex Fergusson will be laughing his little scotch head off :D
Benitez has all the money? Since when?

Didn't we beat Manu at home without Gerrard and Torres?

I see your point I guess 8-)
Since he arrived Benitez has had money to spend :d Don't try and deny it lol

Crap might be abit harsh maybe but without those two your not half the team imo

What did you as a liverpool fan think of Benitez playing Torres even though he was obviously injured from about 20mins in?
Every manager in the EPL has money to spend though? You said he has 'all the money' when that isn't true.

I agree without Gerrard and Torres were not as strong as we can be, but you can say the same about any other team by removing their key players they aren't as good as they can be :D

Torres wasn't injured, he just came up against a in-form defence/defenders and without Gerrard he's going to have a much harder task. How do you know for 100% he was injured then? Do you really think Benitez will risk Torres for the prem if he's injured? Would never happen mate.
soz but buying lucas + riera = fail for me, he keeps buying random shit players...kean was also a bad idea at first, but he was quite good for liverpool, ye, it took him a while to get used to liverpool and score, but when he had his best games benitez sold him
no respect for benitez at all
Lucas is 21, he has played decent in some games but I agree he isn't good enough to be starting over the likes of Mascherano. Riera has done a good job for us on the left wing, so saying he is a fail is pretty harsh imo, especially for our situation (financial issues). We don't have £20M/+ to spend on each position. Keane was treated wrong, everytime he scored he would be benched the next game. He did not suit our formation and was also not a good link up player with Torres and Gerrard in one team due to slowing the whole game down to his game.
Maybe I'm not giving Jag and Lescott their deserved praise and maybe he wasn't injured but he looked it to me. His touch was heavy, he wasn't as sharp and his speed wasn't there. Maybe he was just tired but that again is Benitez' fault playing him up alone against two great defenders when He could have put either Babel or Kuyt up with him.
u could say the same thing about any other team i.e chelsea no terry no lampard, utd no ronaldo no carrick you would be half a team, that's just a stupid comment.
Losing Gerrard and Torres effects liverpool much more than say chelsea losing terry and lampard or Man U losing Ronaldo and Rooney

Even with the difference in squads it effects you more than us losing Yakubu and Arteta

Gerrard as much as I don't like the thug is your best player and focus of the team, without him the job of creator goes to Alonso who gets one good pass out of ten. Torres can go past two or three on his own and score, probably the best striker in the prem atm, without him you have to rely on Babel who is overrated and Kuyt who works harder than anyone else but who doesn't score alot and for me isn't an out and out striker.
That's because we don't have "all the money" like you assumed we did in your original post like MANU have. Pretty much ALL their players in the first 11 are world class footballers that in the national squad. Same with Chelsea.

Shall we even compare our first 11 to Manu and Chelsea?

Our squad has so many average players like Kuyt, Bennayoun, Dossena, Degen etc and were still challenging for the title. Everton are on form atm, they have only lost once in the last ten games, so playing them with 10 men nevermind 11 is still going to be a tough task.

Torres was outplayed by Jagielka who had an amazing game. End of.

And btw, Cahil's been your best striker this season, so using Yakubu and Saha is a pointless comparison. Especially when one's injury prone.
they do have money now after they sold kean, lets just wait and see who they buy ^^
Since arriving Benitez has spent over 100 million on your squad so to say you haven't had money is ridiculous

Jag and Lescott played great idd but every touch Torres had was heavy, he was slow to balls and looked uncomfortable, if you watched it you would obviously would have seen him wincing and limping every now and then. And that was from twenty odd minutes in.

Cahill afaik has 6 goals this season, Yakubu has 4 but has been out since november. He scored 21 in his first season with us and look on form again. Cahill is our best striker atm because other than Anichebe, who is not match fit, he's our only striker.
Strongest squad are you for fucking real? We have one of the most depleted squads in the League at present due to injuries the only team that had a full stregnth squad last night where Liverpool.
We have to play two young lads last night one who is 17 and the other 19 coupled with the fact we have had a far harder run of games in the League then Liverpool recently.

The daftest post i have seen on here in quite some time and shows you know fuck all about English football.
Storm the pitch like you have won something :-)
We had we won a Derby cup game against our biggest rivals who thought they would turn us over at Goodison Park.
I you where a football supporter and knew the ins and outs of the rivalry between the two clubs you would know how massive that game was. Your saviour of a striker Torres who was in Jagielka's backpocket all game cost as much as are whole squad mate that puts things into perspective as does your manager labeling us a small club who incedently knocked your team out last night.
Liverpool will go out of the CL they will be beaten by Real Madrid and have no chance of winning the PL as its Uniteds from now on.
So yet another trophyless year i predict and with all that money spent and all that egg on that clueless bloke's face you call a manager.
Our biggest rivals are Man Utd, the only time you pose a threat to us is in the FA Cup, and usually you don't even get far enough to play us in it. The game was massive to you not us, we have other aspirations this season what do you have? :D
Quote by repinTorres who was in Jagielka's backpocket all game
Ah he can defend an injured player, must be good.
Quote by repinSo yet another trophyless year i predict
Ah well, we can afford one, wait a sec are you talking about us or YOU :-)
Torres wasn't injured he just came up against a in-form defence. I support Liverpool and I will admit it.

@ Repin: I doubt we'll lose to Real Madrid, considering our form in CL. Don't forget, to win a title you need to be able to challenge first, and that manager you claim is clueless has kept his words so far which were "We will still be in the title hunt come January".

The point is, the fact were not competing for 4th (for once) is a very big positive and we've beaten Chelsea both home and away and we've also beaten MANU at Anfield so things are improving. We still seem to struggle to finish lower half teams off but I'm sure we'll sort that out as we always tend to play our best football towards the 2nd half of the season.
Well you just proven how much of a clueless numbty you are by saying United are you biggest rivals i suspect you dont attend games and mix with many people from Mersyside then as both teams ARE each others biggest rivals United may be your biggest rivals in a title chase but thats it nothing more the passion and pride that is a stake in a mersyside derby is second to none.

Torres was marked out of the game by one of the best central defenders this season bar none and there is no excuse he played well and fine against Chelsea after coming back from injury.

Actually we can afford a trophyless season as we have for many years but you seem to forget or even know you CAN NOT your club is over £350 to £400 million in debt and alot hinges on your club winning trophies and gaining revenue from that.

The big point of this debate is you have proven to know very little about your clubs and its supporters.
repin - who you talking too?
Not you mate TheLikelyLad
ah alrite bro :D
Hang the Kopites one by one on the banks of the Royal Blue Mersey.

liverpool - gerrard = top 10 team

liverpool + gerrard = top 3 team

amazing how much impact one player has :p

captain fantastic.
Time for rafa to go bye byes! Getting rid of keane.. and not replacing him, he gotta go!!
i say it from all my heart, benitez screwd up liverpool
How has he? Atleast explain your point.
You have Gerrard out for atleast three weeks due to his injury last night plus Torres is strugling to find his form from last season and with Real Madrid playing very well recently it will be a tough task to beat them and if Gerrard cant make it back you are likely to lose.
The problem you face is your squad doesn't have stregnth in debth you saw that when Gerrard is missing your team fall to pieces and lose there shape and that is down to your Manager who yes has done a good job at pushing you up the table but look at the amount of players and funds he has brought in and spent.
He is proving at this moment in time to be very inept at making the correct tactical choices and has recently cost you vital points. This is not a rant at Liverpool because im an Evertonian its just facts that are there for all to see.
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