Duck's whine journal

So I'm now in an internet cafe because I don't have zeh inets in my current place of living. In a few months I'm gonna move to a new house but the interior is still unfinished(actually there is almost no interior so it might take a while). Therefore all my fans will have to wait for me to come back and pwn online again. Please feel sorry for me and post a care comment so I know you care.

image: funny-pictures-your-cat-is-an-interior-decorator

shoutout to ABONPTMW (we'll be back!)
care comment #1
Thank you sir, I'm really grateful.
i care...
get inet in ur current house? oO
It's a village house in the middle of nowhere and the installation is impossible/fucking expensive I suppose...
im living in the middle of nowhere ²...
got 1.7mbit inet...
not that xpensix... maybe just watch a bit around? compare prices?
Mind the fact that you live in a civilised country :) Also installing inets for just 3 months in such a place (house is old as fuck and it wouldn't surrpise me if my uncle would like to dismantle it after we move into the proper one)or something while I can check stuff in a icafe is a bit useless :/
Why don't you get mobile broadband? :>
Yeah thought about that but the place is fucked up enough that I can barely talk on a mobile because of almost no coverage(range? dunno how is that called in english) so inet would be useless too...
Poland is your problem... in germany u get inet everywhere... it doesnt matter where u live
Yeah I used to live in the city center so I didn't have a problem with my country:P
mobile internet is shittest thing i ever had. When i played I always had a ping of 160+ .. in the evenings I couldnt even connect at all to any server >.< + mostly its limited - so sucks like hell.

Never again! (its anyway not meant to be for gamers :D)
care comment #2

pic failed :<
It does now, still it's not too funny so you didn't miss much
i actually care duck ;( <3
Yeah so do I actually!
This must be a hard time for you - without internet
I, like, couldn't think of living without internet for a longer period of time :D
care comment by Evilynn :(
i miss you soo much :((
No worries mayne, u got time to read books
i care for you :(
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