Duck's whine journal
5 Feb 2009, 11:37
So I'm now in an internet cafe because I don't have zeh inets in my current place of living. In a few months I'm gonna move to a new house but the interior is still unfinished(actually there is almost no interior so it might take a while). Therefore all my fans will have to wait for me to come back and pwn online again. Please feel sorry for me and post a care comment so I know you care.
shoutout to ABONPTMW (we'll be back!)
shoutout to ABONPTMW (we'll be back!)
<3 Duck
get inet in ur current house? oO
got 1.7mbit inet...
not that xpensix... maybe just watch a bit around? compare prices?
Never again! (its anyway not meant to be for gamers :D)
pic failed :<