skins ..

skins on tonight boys neone looking forward to it? what have you thoguht about it so far?

going to watch it with a couple of mates with a few beers and a couple of joints.

image: effymj7

i would shag the living poo out of her
fucking <3 effy
shes fucking hot
like .. really hot
Joints :))))))))))))
this one is abit more unrealistic kinda of thing but i think the script is abit better.
I like it so far. Cook is a right laugh :D
hes hilarious, a nutter aswell =D

loved it when he was singing ace of spades in the beggining of the last episode!
I joined in :D

I applied for a spot in Skins :(
for this season?

i should do i aswell! the foreigner that came to england and starts knocking everyone out!
You're not hard enough son!
mate im fucking hard to the core
hahaha :D fuckin hard to the core mate
Efy, Katie, Naomi would all get rampaged.
fucking tv-girls is like fucking e-girls. ohh wait...
her face is a bit odd.. lol
not as good as the previous seasons but still quite good.
the characters are boring, only Cook has been interesting so far but he neither is nowhere near to be as interesting or funny as most of the previous seasons' characters

and ye, Effy is quite hot xD
First episode was very good.
Second one disappoints me, it was cool but not really intense...

But, can't wait for the other episode :D

Effy <333
i like it...not as much as the first 2 seasons, but its still a very good and interesting show to watch
Haha the twins hot to. Noami Campbell I dont know what it is but there is just something sexy about her :X
Because shes a lesbian slut!!!
She aint tho, the other girl just made it up!
nice chick :D
woot there's a new season? i thought they only made 2..
Yep, season 3 & 4 with another casting (the only one from the previous season is Effy)
oh noes.. sid and tony and that allah guy was the ownage :D
but yeah gotta check it out 8)
Btw, is there a live streaming for the channel that air skins ? :o
who that skinny white bitch?
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