Auto Login!

After installing .net framwork 2.0, my computer doesnt automatically logon to my account. It's the only account i have on the computer and it's annoying when i have to press my name to logon!!!!

Any idea on how to get it to auto logon like it was before?
Combat Arms. Is this telling you something???? xDD
Nick: Skydeh or Skydeje :D

Jesus, you still cant bind arrows. Untill that is fixed, i wont be on :D
go and ask google first man..
will help you in 79 %

random pic <3

image: m2asvy22
GIYF: n. Abbrev: Google Is Your Friend. Used to suggest, gently and politely, that you have just asked a question of human beings that would have been better directed to a search engine.
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