What is it with the Frenchies?

Just wondering, the people on here who play online Poker, do you notcie the standard of French players is so bad? Especially on iPoker. What makes the French so shit?!
french sucks in all games
They eat frogs! That's enough for me
Because there French....
You made my day. Play with real poker player. I mean no basic player who spent 10€ and stop play poker after 2 weeks
Play against France Cya, you will get bash
nice fucking life if this journal "made your day" -_-
ahaha, I own most players, Ill post my graphs later. I deposit €400 at a time.
France Cya just earn around 55k ( $ no € ) and you talk about 400€ . You look so ridiculous.
Good for him. But im not talking about him you see, Im talking about a large amount of shite french players. Of course there is going to be some great french players.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, French...
In b2b the biggest donkeys are Italians and Israelians. Though I haven´t played in "high"-level, but in a decent one. Looking them up in sharkscope makes me depressed that they have so much extra money to fool around :(
they use WW2 tactics, thats why...
because poker is for swedes
wanna get some drink?
tea? coffee? frogs?
Yes they are, especially on ipoker like you said. One french donk has lost 800$ in 20~ min on one of my tables. (nl200)
Yeah you piece of cheat!!!
:) i-net serious business
their language is soo difficult to learn..
my whole class have probs -.-
annying language
because they always like : "We surrender!" etc...
What are you saying, at least they can adjust to Scandinavian aggression

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